Manjhi: The Mountain Man

2015 "The Man Who Broke A Mountain For Love"
8| 2h4m| en

After his wife passes away trying to cross a mountain, Manjhi, out of sheer rage, sets on a quest to carve a road through the treacherous mountain.


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KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sevdakarababa-71077 I m watching Bollywood movies to understand Hindi language and find out similar words with my language. So that reason i have to watch so many movies. I like the idea of movie but didnt like it script, dialoque and directors job. Some of the acting isnt good tooo much acting makes fake its not natural. i wish they showed more paralel political and social statu changing in India same time.
saket saurav A man broke down a hillock into pieces with just a hammer and a chisel in 21 years. He was the Mountain Man of India- Dashrath Manjhi. Its disheartening that he never got his due and his family could never come out of poverty. The state government barely did anything to promote him. Nawazuddin Siddiqui has portrayed the character beautifully, but over dramatization at instances steals the charm from the film. It could have been even more shorter and even more solid. However despite clichés, it manages to deliver the what it promised. I would have given it 8/10. But those two extra points are for the man who inspired the movie.
Biswajit Tripathy "Shandaar, Zabardast, Zindabad", this dialogue from the movie is ideal to describe the movie in three words. More than anything, this movie revolves around a soul touching love story of Dashrath and Faguniya. Shahjahan got Tajmahal built in memory of Mumtaz while Dasrath Manjhi built a passage all by himself through a rocky mountain for his wife with help of just a chisel and hammer.Cutting through a mountain with a hammer and a chisel is like flawless catching of raindrops in one hand. A native of Gelhaur village near Gaya in Bihar, Dashrath Manjhi manages this almost impractical task against all odds, proving the age old adage "where there is a will, there is way".It takes nerve to make a biopic of a not so famous person who broke through the rocky mountain in around 22 years. The story is inspired by his life and how he went through all the odds to break through the mountain a small road that would reduce the distance to the nearest village from 26km to 2km. Because he couldn't save his wife from dying for which he blamed the mountain and he promised to his dying wife that, he will break through a road in between that mountain.Bihar in 60's was mostly dominated by caste system and the lowest of lower class was Musahar in caste pyramid. They were being humiliated and disgraced for petty reasons.Horseshoes were nailed to their soles if they dare to rise above their station and try to wear even shoes. Women were carried off and raped as per the whims of the upper caste. No laws or rights ever existed for those people.The soul touching chemistry between Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Radhika Apte, the transformation from loyal husband to obsessed old man and the well-executed climax scene stole the thunder.In this transfixing plot, there are numerous situations that make you sit tight and take notice at the way the plot is moving. In the end, it isn't half as amazing as Dashrath Manjhi was in actuality.Maanjhi – the mountain man is worth watching thanks to the astounding performances by Nawazuddin Siddiqui, marvelous direction and astounding background score.
altaf42049 The new trend to make films on real life true incidents is gaining speedy momentum in the Bollywood and the addition of 'Manjhi' to this list is quite fresh and encouraging. Director Ketan Mehta has really done a great job to put in all of his skills to make this good film. Everything from story to acting, direction to casting and cinematography to sequence is well knitted to dish out an awesome picture. The story revolves around 'Dashat (Nawazuddin Siddiqui)' who spends 22 years to carve out a road through a hill in the memory of her deceased wife 'Phagunniya (Radhika Apte)'. The hill had bisected his village from neighboring village of Nawabganj where all basic health and social facilities are available. People required to goto Nawabganj had to diverge of the hill and it took them days and hours to cross over. When Wife of 'Dashat' falls from the hill and dies due to non availability of timely health care,he decides to rip it apart and make a passage so that people are facilitated. Everyone makes a mockery of him and term him a senseless individual. Even he faces a lot of opposition from the government offices, head of their village and harsh ground realities but he refuses to quit the task. It is said that where there is a will, there is way and that is absolutely true for determined guys like 'Dashat'. His tireless, long and determined struggle had made a huge difference in the lives of many who lives in that small village of 'Bihar'. The love of his wife was always a driving and motivational force behind this almost impossible task. He accomplished this insane effort with a simple hammer and a chisel even under adverse circumstances through more than two decades. Nowazuddin Siddiqui has always impressed his fans with his natural acting abilities and he proves it yet again. His performance from a youngster to a husband and then finally to an old man of 60 years get up is marvelous. Radhika Apte also did a fair job to her role and her looks probably were best suited for this role. The director has did enough justice with his all the characters and the story nodes. All and all, its a good, fantastic and alive movie.