Good movie but grossly overrated
Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
It sounds nutty enough from the synopsis, but frankly I'd be surprised if even the most ardent cineastes get much joy out of "Man's Favorite Sport". Old Block plays a phony fishing tackle salesman, more interested in keeping his job than tackling girls. Admittedly when the girls on offer include an inanely empty-headed, accident-prone chatterbox of a brunette (Paula Prentiss), an equally twittery blonde (Maria Perschy) and a stuck-up redhead (Charlene Holt), who can blame Old Block for lack of interest?Fortunately there's a bit more stamina in the support cast led by Norman Alden's acquisitive "Indian". The color is also reasonably attractive. And it must be admitted that three or four scenes, especially two with "Carol", a spectacularly versatile bear, are mildly diverting. But much as we love our furry friend, the finnies and the principal bipeds -- the human cast and mostt particularly Old Block himself, leave us totally cold.
In this remake of "Bringing up Baby", there are glaring mistakes. In that 1938 film, Katherine Hepburn's Susan was free-wheeling, but never rude. And, unlike Cary Grant's strait-laced and confining bride-to-be, Alice, Rock Hudson's sweetheart, Tex, seemed to be a thoughtful person, and totally wronged through no fault of her own. We were given no reason to dislike Tex.At the start, Abigail unsafely tailed Roger's car for no reason given. She stole Roger's parking place, and thoughtlessly walked away. At the lodge, She did not defend him when exiting from his cabin bedroom in the presence of Tex. Is this the kind of woman that I am supposed to favor over Tex?
Joe Day
This movie has been running on one of my local stations as if it were the only movie they have. I have tried t watch it all the way through and just cannot. It's painful. Hudson phones in his performance. The movie has none of the sparkle of his films with Doris Day, for example. As a matter of fact, this same channel has been running several of Hudson's films of this ilk, including one with Gina Lolabrigida -- again just awful. I always liked the Prentiss sisters as well as Hudson but like many of the films of of this genre starring Jack Lemon, this one was just a snore. I think Hudson works best in comedy when he plays kind of dumb. I didn't get any chemistry between the stars. I simply cannot recommend it.
I have to admit I had a serious crush on Paula Prentiss during her days as a big star. Gloriously beautiful, sexy, with that great Texas accent Ms. Prentiss was a great sexy comedienne and this is likely her greatest role in Howard Hawks Man's Favorite Sport. Initially to be filmed at Paramount with Prentiss and Cary Grant, Paramount per legend refused to cast Paula Prentiss, so Howard Hawks took the project to Universal and cast Rock Hudson and Ms. Prentiss. Man's Favorite Sport? has top notch Universal production values and both stars play off well against each other. Paula Prentiss in an interview years later said she was speechless when introduced to Mr. Hudson as she claimed he was even better looking in person than he was on screen, and that Hudson's personal appearance was so great it was almost beyond comprehension. Mr Hudson does well in this film. This is a fine wacky comedy directed by a Master Director Howard Hawks and features Ms. Prentiss' finest performance. Paula Prentiss got and deserved equal star billing over the title with box office champ Rock Hudson. I for one am glad that Howard Hawks stood his ground and insisted on Mr. Prentiss who was loaned to Hawks and Universal Prentiss' from home studio MGMViva Paula Prentiss