Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State

7.1| 2h36m| NR| en

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.


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ThiefHott Too much of everything
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
kallelortepik90210 I really don't like this movie, posting as a documentary.In the start it posses as a documentary: but it isn't. I know so because of the bad science used, and that the so-called director only uses websites and other things that aren't really believable proof.I fell a sleep constantly to Alex Jones ramblings: it is very boring. And he sounds like he thinks that he has an important life, even though I strongly disbelieve that.By the bad science i mean especially the bit about controlled demolition. To anyone who has been in the army, as I have, you would know that it takes a long time to set up such charges and that their would be wires everywhere: because you cant use remote-controlled radio frequencies there: it is the middle of N.Y. in the WTC - there would be too much interference. Plus that it would be seen by the people that work there.Then the idiot director says something he do not know anything about: he says that Jet-fuel (Kerosine), could not have burn hot enough (ca. 1400 degrees Celsius to melt steel) to melt the steel, because jet-fuel burns at 1000 degrees Celsius. And it is here where all these conspiracy-theorists losses all their arguments, due to lack of brains. None of these conspiracy-theorists have had basic physics i doubt. The Jet-fuel doesn't need to melt steel. If you just know a little of physics, you would know that heat weakens steel, and more importantly: expands it. Plus much of the interior of the WTC (tables, plastic, plants, etc.) helped the fire get hotter. When the metal expanded, the cement crackled, and weakened the whole structure, so that it all fell down. It is so simple and logical. But of course: conspiracy-theorists doesn't know anything about logic.Also if this world-wide secret American-Jewish-police-state had risen because they planned 9/11.... then why are Alex Jones allowed to live?? Then why can he have his poorly-made websites alone, without the government hacking them?? Why are Alex Jones and other conspiracy-theorists allowed to make all these "documentaries", if they reveal the uncomfortably truth about the crimes of the Bush-administration???The only answer is that there is no police state, that 9/11 was NOT an inside job and that there is NO conspiracy. The conspiracy-theorists is just making this up, because 99 % of them are lonely, and wants to make them selves look important: so they make up this story full of lies, because they want to keep their prejudges that all rich American are evil, and that all Arabs are poor and stupid. Though the world is not that black and white - thank God. Thank God for conspiracy-theorists - people you can look down on, and say to yourself: "Atleast I am not like them"
drengen_ortmann69 Why do you conspiracy-theorists believe in these documentaries??There have been made thousands of documentaries that states that Al-Quada attacked USA 9/11. These documentaries are all made by dozens of educated and clever journalists. These documentaries are based on hundreds upon hundreds of eye-witness-accounts, words of experts and reel footage.There have been made hundreds and hundreds of books that states that Al-Quada attacked USA 9/11. These documentaries are all made by dozens of educated and clever journalists. These documentaries are based on hundreds upon hundreds of eye-witness-accounts, words of experts and reel footage.There have been made about 5 books that state that USA planned 9/11. All of them are based on 3 or 4 eye-witness-accounts. Based on 1 - 2 expert-accounts (and mostly in a different field), and also based on doubtful footage. There have been made about 3 - 4 documentaries that state that USA planned 9/11. All of them are based on 4 or 5 eye-witness-accounts. Based on 6 - 7 expert-accounts (and mostly in a different field), and also based on doubtful footage. It is beyond me that you people (conspiracy-theorists) choose to believe in the documentaries and books that state USA planned 9/11. But then again there are those people that think that the Holocaust never happened.The Science magazine "Popular Mechanics" debunked all the lies and myths, which the conspiracy-theorists have put forth. If the conspiracy-theorists was right, then it would be easy for them to debunk the "Popular Mechanics"-article (which actually have been made by 10 educated journalists and engineers, with the help of over 300 experts in all fields). But the conspiracy-theorists did try to debunk it. But they didn't criticize the science and physics of the article, as one would expect. No, the conspiracy-theorists did the most infantile thing: They could not attack the article (they simply did not have the intellect to do so). But then they did the next best infantile thing: they accused all the members of "Popular Mechanics" and the helping experts of being part of the conspiracy..... When you are acting that childish, then the Conspiracy-theorists can go on forever. They will keep on denying something like this to the end of the world - it is not a question of logics, it is a question of living in a fantasy-world, where everybody is an enemy. Conspiracy-theorists: you have my condolences.But seriously: it is a very poor documentary. If you do not have blind-folders on and can question what you are presented, then you can see that it is a very poor documentary. And that Alex Jones have made it by him self in his basement, really speaks for the lack of credibility, objectivity and brains.
fukallmonkeys I found this documentary interesting. It is ample as you may find all commentators will agree and disagree with some of the points made. From attacking communists to attacking the supposedly fascist conspiracy ruling America and the world today, the extras even include torture by the police towards a pro-life demonstration. Alex Jones does lack professionalism but it is interesting seeing him criticize Michael Moore and the actually state of US policy with good points made too. I can only describe his politics as populist.Schwarzenegger for president, the Nazis ties to the current political elite, the 9/11 truth commission, the bohemian grove sect, it's all there. I recommend this documentary to anyone interested in a bit of amateur journalism mixed with the greatest intent of institutionalizing conspiracy theories.
angelusnd Ignore most of these negative reviews. Watch it yourself and keep in mind if you have watched all his films and his weekly reports like i have you will know he proves all his points many many times with links to mainstream media reports or articles AND experts.Even if you don't believe the truth like so many don't want to. There is still the fact that there are so many unanswered questions about 911 and has been Proved that the official story is a lie.Alex Jones lets you copy and give away copies of his film to spread the word of whats really happening in this world. Please go check out his website prison or info fantastic.He is also appearing in a film soon with Keanu Reeves, Downey Jr and George Clooney called A Scanner Darkly coming out soon