Mary's Land

6.7| 1h56m| en

A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.


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Also starring Juan Manuel Cotelo


Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
stacydjens Movie moves a bit awkward but the message is clear and for that I gave a high rating. Beautiful message of Gods handmaid and her intercession into this young woman's life. Very inspirational for women to think more of highly of their self. You have to be more than a boring intellectual for this movie. You must possess an understanding that creation requires a creator! Understand there are things seen and unseen. Otherwise you will be veiled like many who have reviewed movie and not grasp the message of hope and peace. New age, this is not. This message is as old as time.
gsandra614 I never had any imaginary friends when I was young. Too late for me to adopt some now.It's bewildering to me that so many people need and want to be told what to think. They will live their whole lives without any doubt about the fantasies and contradictions their faith poses.And whose religion is the one true faith? The Catholics? The Muslims? The Sikhs? Hindus? Or is all of it so at odds with science that none are to believed? This movie was more of a play and the actors are advocates for one belief system that enthralls them to the point of hysteria.
marketing-37285 I highly recommend this movie I was surprised at how well this film was made, and it's not just a documentary, it's very intriguing to say the least and funny at parts. Interviews with many truly amazing people and their life changing experiences involving Mary the mother of Jesus in today's time - people from around the world. Very intelligent, and, deep reflective people who understand the true nature of the world we live in. It is very inspiring and can be life changing - very informative. I happen to be a recently devout catholic, and this movie really moved me deeply and i can't imagine anyone not being touched by the wonderful contents of this film. Very uplifting and positive.
masanz1280 I liked the film, it is a Movie that talks about love of God and Blessed virgin Mary, but in a really fresh and nice way, allowing us to hear the testimony of some people who got touched in their lives by God and Mary.There is nothing here about New Age as other reviews say, it is a completely wrong review. It includes some episodes about Medjugorje and what happens to people there, it is an interesting, fun movie, made with a limited budget but a lot of love and faith.I like it and recommend it.