Mask of the Avenger

1951 "Monte Cristo lives... fights... loves again!"
5.4| 1h23m| en

Costume swashbuckler with heroic John Derek battling evil Anthony Quinn.


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Columbia Pictures


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
HotToastyRag In a strange combination of The Mark of Zorro and The Count of Monte Cristo, John Derek stars as a masked hero out for revenge for his father's murder in Mask of the Avenger. There's really no suspense, though, because in the beginning scene, Anthony Quinn is revealed to be the murderer. It would have added a little intrigue, even if it were just fifteen minutes or so, if John didn't know who killed his father. There's also a watered-down romance between John and Jody Lawrance added into the plot. With the cheesy script, B-movie production values, and tv-esque music, this movie isn't one I'd recommend adding to your list. There are so many other better 1950s adventure movies to choose from.
JohnHowardReid Although no literary source is stated in the credits, some critics feel that this eye-catching Technicolor swashbuckler was based on The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I disagree. If the movie has a literary source at all, it's The Mark of Zorro that deserves the credit. Although Anthony Quinn is okay as the heavy, he's nowhere in the Basil Rathbone league. Arnold Moss, however, makes such a fine sub-villain, it's a shame he gets killed two-thirds of the way through. The other leads, John Derek and Jody Lawrance, are no more than adequate. Miss Lawrance, in fact, is occasionally less than competent. Phil Karlson's direction is also a bit slack, although he was obviously hamstrung by a tight budget and the need to pad the movie out to "A"-feature length. However, he does employ some effective running inserts at the finale. I also liked the idea of the hero backing into a horse during the duel and losing his sword as the animal rears, causing our heroine to take over briefly. Now that's certainly an innovation – if an unlikely one! And for all the script's jingoistic platitudes about "freedom", the film is nothing more than pure escapist nonsense – but most agreeably dressed up with attractive costumes and sets!
bkoganbing It's mid 19th century Italy and Anthony Quinn pulls something of a palace coup by framing provincial governor Wilton Graff of the very treason that Quinn is perpetrating. He kills Graff in the process and sets up shop in his palace.And for some very weak plot reasons when Quinn has a chance to let the mob dispose of the 'traitor's' son John Derek he chooses to save him and keep him in the palace. Derek pretends to be more seriously wounded than he is and soon learns of Quinn's double dealing. At that point Derek dons the Mask Of The Avenger and starts to right some wrongs in the style of that other Dumas hero Edmund Dantes whose statue is in the town square.Phil Karlson who was two years from directing one of the great noir films of all time, Kansas City Confidential, seemed to lose his muse doing this one. Though the film is based on a Dumas novel and mentions his famous hero The Count Of Monte Cristo, it bares more resemblance to a weak remake of The Mark Of Zorro.Somehow I'm willing to bet that some obvious plot flaws that are in this film aren't present in the Dumas novel. Derek looks good with sword in hand, Anthony Quinn hams it up good as the villain. Jody Laurence is fetching as the dueling countess who Derek and Quinn both want to make some time with.Still Mask Of The Avenger is ultimately unsatisfying, Dumas has been better served cinematically speaking elsewhere.
Melissa Alice It's a pretty good movie, with swordplay, secrets, murder, and horseback riding...reminiscent of the old Zorro movies. There's a bit of romance, too. Good over all.