everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Best movie of this year hands down!
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Thomas! You is a bad cat! There ain't enough hours in the day! Ah was working for dem white folks when my lady Missus Nomed comes o home all freaking out 'bout some family curse turn all those women into monsters. I says, Sho, you don't want to be fussing bout no family curse now, hone, you just' be doing yo thang with the g-strange, blood. Ah says, I'm only an outrageous ethnic stereotype with ma pantyhose an de Uncle Tom mannerisms, but ah knows me ah fairly good horror pick when ah sets ma eyes on it. An' ah still make me own biscuits....Ah says "When you gonna stop turning all green-eyed and killing folks like the grounds keeper an the delivery boy and your Aunt. Ain't no way that gonna stop di curse of the Nomed family. What about dat disco DJ guy who look'n like a BeeGEE? Why'd you go burning him in his car? Was down by dat ol' swabby ribber?Then Ah says "And why d'you cast lill ol me as the most anti civil rights crappy ethnic stereotype ever? Ah expected ol Bernarnd Manning to stroll through de front door and give me a loving slap. Just as well di film din't steep so slow as to kill ma *ss off. But di scene where ah run off was just as bad. Like a film from de twenties, bwana. Ah did like the bit where Mrs Nomed's breasts turned into lill bitty demons and chewed up Marjore Gunter. Dat good soul horror.
This incomprehensible offering squanders a decent premise by bogging it down with so many inconsistencies that the end result is an incoherent mess. Taken a bit more seriously, the basic plot line of Mausoleum could have been shaped into a real gem, but as it stands, only the most forgiving genre fan will find much of interest here.The story revolves around a woman named Susan who inherits a family curse and becomes possessed by a demonic spirit with the ability to summon psychedelic lighting and dry ice wherever it appears. When both her husband and her psychiatrist begin to suspect that something is amiss, they embark on a race against time to defeat the evil invader, while Susan keeps herself busy by getting naked and killing off any man who hits on her.Though John Carl Buechler is on board for this ride, the special effects are a decidedly mixed bag, ranging from a handful of nicely executed gore gags to one dreadfully sloppy sequence in which demon-mode Susan forces a victim to float through the air, during which the harness used to suspend the ersatz Mary Poppins from the ceiling is not only clearly visible on screen, but remains in the frame for the entire stunt so that we can see the apparatus moving along its track as the doomed woman levitates. The various stages of Susan's transformations are likewise disjointed. The more subtle touches work best; a scene in which our hexed heroine sits silently in a rocking chair with her disfigured face obscured by shadows is one of the few genuinely creepy images in the film. However, when the demon is on full display, the mounds of latex on Susan's face make her look like she's ready to audition for GWAR.Ex-Playboy bunny Bobbie Bresee offers a decent performance, but it's made abundantly clear throughout the movie that the film-makers' primary emphasis is on her multiple nude scenes. Bresee is certainly easy on the eyes, but her rather ambiguous and prototypically banal brand of attractiveness ensures that she shifts throughout the film looking alternately beautiful and bland, depending on the lighting.The biggest problem with Mausoleum is that so little of the film adheres to its own flimsy logic. The crux of Susan's monstrous manifestations seems to be her anger at being a viewed as a sex object, since she wreaks violent vengeance upon multiple men whose crass advances mark them as near future victims. Yet, she actively seduces two of her casualties, and has sex with one of them before dispatching him. Her motives become even more dicey with the random killing of a female character, whose only sin is stopping by the house to drop off some paperwork.The set-ups for the murders are so transparent that they play out like scenes from a porno script, particularly the arrival of a delivery driver who Susan invites in to "use the phone". I kept waiting for a pizza man to show up and ask Bresee, "who ordered the extra sausage?" A comic relief monologue by a sassy African-American maid ends up being one of the most memorable moments in the movie, but since this is the only time the film actively courts intentional humor, this portion ends up being perplexing and out of place. Still, it's a genuinely funny sequence, so we have to at least give Mausoleum credit for succeeding on that front.The scene in which Susan's breasts morph into snaggle-toothed, blood-thirsty mammary monsters pretty much defies critical analysis, so I'll let that dubious plot point speak for itself.Despite a few strong touches along the way, the film completely falls apart during the last reel, and once we discover that the secret weapon needed to defeat the demon is a crown of thorns (?), any chance of Mausoleum finding a steady footing is erased immediately. The final scene attempts to insert a game-changing twist, but since said twist makes absolutely zero sense, the effectiveness of this fade to black is debatable. The incessant maniacal chuckling which concludes the film seems to suggest that Mausoleum has descended into such heady depths of idiocy that all you can really do is laugh about it. Of course it goes without saying that the song that plays over the closing credits is atrocious beyond belief.There are a few inspired moments here, but only the most ardent early '80s horror completist will glean much satisfaction from this thoroughly baffling exercise. Rest assured, the "so bad it's good" label can be readily applied to Mausoleum, so if your tolerance for that school of film-making is high, I can recommend this to you a bit more enthusiastically.
Watched this film and have to say that it was rather fun. If only they had tightened this film up a bit it would have been a six or seven instead of just a five. There are a few to many scenes that play out very slowly though that could have been trimmed down which would have made this one flow better. It also had some rather silly things within, though they kind of made the film more fun to watch, scenes that were meant to be serious, but came across as funny. The story has a little girl running through a cemetery after her mother's funeral. She comes across a mausoleum and enters and this is going to be the starting of something evil. Years later she begins to show signs of not being herself. Nothing big at first, but once her eyes start glowing green and she sets the car of a guy who made a pass at her on fire you know that she is not quite right. So throughout the film she does more and more strange things like inviting the gardener into the garage for a quickie then killing him! All the while her husband remains nearly oblivious to everything she is doing. She could have told him "I had sex with the gardener then killed him." And he would just pass it off as a joke. At least the housekeeper figured something was up and it was refreshing to see a person in a horror movie for once just book up and leave. Meanwhile, about the only thing that makes the husband show signs of concern when he wakes up in the middle of night and sees his wife in a rocker. I realize she may have had monster make up on, but it is so dark you can not tell so I laughed a bit after that cause it just seemed the only thing that could have upset him was being in the chair. A landscaper comes by and this poor guy does not even get some before he gets killed like the gardener at least did. Then the film wraps up as the woman's psychiatrist learns the awful truth tells the hubby to stay away from his wife as much as possible and the hubby proceeds to not heed the doctor's advice, but I am sure even the psychiatrist did not foresee her turning into a demon and ripping the husband's chest with killer boobies. Yes, this movie was a fun watch, the kills rather good and some interesting moments and moments of hilarity both intentional and not. Just tighten it up and remove the husband and wife dance scene and I would have given this film a higher score. This film though is not to be confused with the other "Mausoleum" movie made around the same time, it though is more commonly known now as "One Dark Night" I believe. Both though could feel comfortable calling their movies mausoleum as they both do feature said place quite a bit. It is more of the catalyst though in this film, while in that one it is more of the setting. Want to watch that one again so I can review it again more accurately, this one though was a trip.
Shrouded in fog and subject to constant violent thunderstorms (despite being situated in an otherwise very sunny and pleasant looking cemetery), the Nomed (oooh, how clever is that?) family mausoleum would probably be the last place I would choose to enter if my lineage was cursed by demonic possession. However, after fleeing her mother's funeral, Young Susan Walker Farrell happily seeks solitude in the spooky burial chamber, and becomes a host for the creature that resides within.Years later, and the demon finally makes its presence known, turning the now married Susan (played by busty-but-otherwise-talentless starlet Bobbie Bresee) into a glowing-eyed, murderous nymphomaniac. After sleeping with and killing her gardener, bumping off a delivery boy, ripping her aunt apart, dropping a guy over a balcony in a shopping mall, scaring off the comic-relief home help (a crazy black housemaid who constantly jibber jabbers to herself), and partially devouring her husband with her slavering demonic breasts (I kid you not), Susan is saved by her shrink, who places a crown of thorns on her head, causing the monster within to crawl back to its crypt.Mausoleum, as you can probably tell from my description, is a rather crappy horror that lacks anything even remotely resembling a coherent and logical plot. It is laden with abysmal visual FX and make-up, loaded with genre clichés (fog, thunder and lightning, rats, cobwebs etc.), features tons of terrible acting, and, despite some very cheesy moments, is pretty dull viewing.Bresee gets her tits out quite a lot to try and compensate somewhat for her dreadful performance, but, even if she had done an explicit nude gymnastic routine in a hall of mirrors, it wouldn't have been enough to save the film from being a major waste of time. A dreadful twist/surprise ending (which also makes absolutely no sense) leaves viewers wondering just how such an obviously awful idea ever made it past the planning stage.