Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings

2.6| 1h26m| PG| en

A magical tale about young Max, a shy, bullied boy. His life is forever changed when he receives an ancient magical book that opens a mystical door into an enchanted kingdom where an adventure filled with warriors, elves, queens and sorcerers awaits.


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Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
avanzato777 This was a complex plot line of a boy who needs to test his limits and find his inner beauty. With the help of some unexpected friends, he achieves that goal, though he is called a FOOL in the process. I would recommend this movie to everyone. It has great directing as well as acting. The props, scenery and special effects are out of this world. Mr. Tim is the bomb. Tom TIT tot is so cool.. Max should learn some new spells other than SMOKE in the sequel. This was a great movie overall.. I saw no flaws in this movie whatsoever, but haters will hate, and baters will bate. Graters will grate, and naters will nate, and traitors will trait. Phabulous job!!! I hope to see a sequel soon.
aveeris523 Sorry Greg, but inferring that the bad reviews were written by "other film makers or actors who are jealous" just doesn't wash-the vast majority of these reviews were written by people who, like me, picked this film up in a bargain bin, curious to see what it was. This boneheaded dreck stands on it's own; there is no way any review can really prepare the viewer for this laughable clunker, or possibly spoil it! This has to be seen to be believed. The only way this compares to the "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings" films is the fantasy theme.That's it.This is certainly classic bad cinema of the first order-across the board ineptitude that takes itself utterly seriously. The production values on display here aren't "Lord of the Rings", they are "Plan 9 from Outer Space"! The plot has more loose ends than a bag of snakes. It's a good thing the dialog drags so much; it gives the young hero Max enough time to flip through the pages of the magic book and laboriously read the text to find the spell he needs. The "training" sequence with the useless blunt stick was so weak my jaw dropped while I watched in disbelief. The only character with metal weapons is Red Cap, who at the beginning is rather deadly with his axe; later in the film he has inexplicably forgotten how to use any of the several knives, axes and maces he has strapped on and is defeated by a small boy who vacantly swats and pokes him with a stick. The good guys all fight with two-foot long blunt sticks, the bad guys have blunt sticks with the marvelous technical improvement of foam heads and duct tape-one person with a board with a nail through it could conquer the whole silly bunch. The "fight" scenes are a hoot to watch! The head bad guy is knocked out by a half-inch sapling swatting him across the chest! In general the cast seemed to be having fun romping through this, and the special character makeup is highly professional, but altogether this is unintentionally hilarious and highly entertaining for all the wrong reasons.
IkanoKato Anyone who claims that this is the worst movie ever has simply not seen enough movies. If you want to see some things that are truly reeking, smelly crap fests, I suggest checking out some of those Brain Damage or York Entertainment horror and/or urban SOV/DTV programmers. Those flicks are so bad, they don't make it past the category of home movie. At least MAX MAGICIAN can boast the fact that it's actually shot on 35mm film, has some decent make-up effects and a professional original score. That said, this film is indeed one of the absolutely lamest films I have ever inflicted on myself. Basically take a standard issue Disney/Family Channel movie, take it down ten notches and remove any all production value and talent and you're left with this turd. Editing is lousy, the cinematography is pedestrian, the writing is laughable and let's not even get started on the acting. Throw in a squad of LARPers and Ren fest refugees and you've got a five car pile up of a movie. It makes you wish MST3K was still on the air because would be a great follow up to FINAL SACRIFICE.As a parting shot as I must mention the truly abominable special effects. In this day and age when Star wars fan films can boast to having an impressive level of scale and gloss, the only effects this movie can boast of are an occasional matte, a sparkling effect that shows up waaaaay too often, and that reaally tacky effect where you put the camera on a tripod and then start and stop it to make somebody vanish. Lame? You betch your arse!
ljs00b Wow! I must say, for five dollars at Wal Mart I have never been so effectively entertained. This is one of the most horrible movies I have ever seen. Oh my. Aside from the blatant commentary on protecting the environment and on anti-weaponry, it really is just bad. The acting is positively terrible, the lines suffering throughout from delayed delivery. The script is really sad, most of it SO cheesy. "What happened to the champion who believed in himself?" My goodness. The costuming, well, let's just say this was a bit of a low budget number. The fight scenes were unfortunate. Now, for a real treat, if you watch the "special features" you'll get a real kick in the butt. They are absolutely serious, they think this movie is wonderful!! They had props (deadly war weapons) that were made out of POOL FLOATIES and DUCT TAPE!! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Although, if this is the level of quality that passes as acceptable in the movie industry, perhaps I should become a professional actor and seek out roles in low budget films. I could really go places... This movie is highly entertaining, although not in the good movie sense. It's great however if you want to laugh at the rather sad attempt. Well worth the money spent. Much better than many other investments from the same five dollar bin.

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