Meeting with Diego

7.4| 0h53m| en

Noah, in his final year of high school, decides to sign up for a dating app after recommendations from his best friend. There, he will make a charming meeting, Diego, a boy of the same age who, unlike him, is not yet ready to take the leap. The relationship between the two boys who communicate only through the application becomes more and more powerful as the days go by and the idea of ​​meeting in real life is quickly essential. Noah is going to experience the intense stress of a first romantic encounter. This is if Diego decides to take the leap and come to the meeting.



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Last Moon


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Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.