Wonderful character development!
That was an excellent one.
Just bad
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
This is a fine movie that respectful remembrance to those who have served in the military. However, the movie is not a polemic purporting militarism. Rather, it provides a thoughtful and sensitive retrospective on what it means to be in the military. The movie shows that that the American soldier is essentially a civilian who has been asked to become a soldier, which challenges one's sense of identity. The main character, Lieutenant Vogel is, by nature, not a violent person, yet in his role as an soldier he must commit violent acts, which leaves both physical and emotional scars. The movie effectively shows how this remains true even in more recent conflicts involving American soldiers. The United States is not by nature militaristic and regimented, thus when American soldiers are ordered into combat, they may have to perform acts that go against their essentially peaceful nature. And to perform those acts requires a level of bravery and courage that makes the American soldier the strongest and best soldiers in the world.
Taylor Lauren Peterson
This is a great family movie, a good movie to watch with the family. It has a lot of great family values. This movie almost made me cry, "Bud" reminded me of my grandpa that passed away a couple year ago. this movie reminded me of the good times me and my grandpa had. The main actors did a great job but the side actors were not very good and it bothered me. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, if you like war movies or not. This is not really a war movie it is more about the memories and how it changes people. It is about family and friendships. James Cromwell did a very good job. There is some life lessons in this movie, you do not want to take life for granted. Stories live on forever... if you tell them to someone.
Tony Heck
"Promise me no matter what I tell you I'll always be your Opa." While Kyle Vogel (Bennett) is at a hospital recovering from a wound he got in war his nurse begins to ask him about his life. He decides to tell her about a talk he had with his grandfather (Cromwell) when he was 13. This is another movie that I thought could have been either really good or really boring. I wasn't sure how a movie about a grandfather telling his grandson about war artifacts could be any good. After twenty minutes I was absolutely hooked. I really connected with this movie on a personal level as my grandpa was also a vet and always wanted to ask him about what he went through. I only heard one story and after hearing it I never asked again. That aside, this is one great movie that deserves to be watched. The acting buy Cromwell is Oscar caliber and he deserves to be nominated for this, but like most low budget movies it gets glossed over because of the budget. Which isn't fair at all. I highly recommend this movie and is in my top 10 of movies released this year. Overall, a must see movie that will leave you choked up at the end. I give it an A.
Kyle OMalley
Memorial Day is not meant to be a "war" movie, it is a Veteran's story. Made with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, the intent was to convey to our families and friends the impact on the soul of going to war. It is not meant to glorify war, everyone who goes there comes back a lesser person in some ways. Enlightened yes, but all too often hardened also. Being a Veteran of several campaigns I don't see myself ever opening up to my immediate family but someday with time and a bit of distance from those tours of duty will be able to relate some of it to grandchildren as "Bud" Vogel/actor James Cromwell, the Grandfather in the movie did.This movie was helped by a lot of really good people helping to make it this far, and graced by historically significant WWII aircraft. The P38 Lightning is one of only a half dozen flying in the world, the P51 Mustang is one of only a handful that actually flew combat missions in WWII. Fagen Fighters of Granite Falls, Minnesota must be thanked for that. It was made with the invaluable contribution of the WWII Historical Reenactment Society, and many local MN Iraq Veterans used as background actors. It is a story of great significance, and if we can get it told I feel it will do immeasurable good in helping Veterans and their families come to terms with our current return to civilian life. And not least of all, it is a respectful homage to our passing WWII Veterans. In 10 yrs they will all virtually be gone. Our hopes are that the movie will help them, and Veterans of all wars, pass on their first hand experiences and witness to history.