Men in White

6.3| 1h14m| NR| en

A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. Unfortunately, his social register fianceé can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing.


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
JohnHowardReid Although it starts off in familiar Kildare territory, this forceful Kingsley play soon introduces a powerful complication unknown to the upright medical staff of Blair General Hospital. The plot moves relentlessly forward to a knock-out Third Act that rates as one of the most poignant and moving I've ever seen in the cinema. Oddly, the movie version opened in New York whilst the play was still running in its initial Broadway season. No-one had anticipated it would become such a success. When the movie rights were sold the usual restriction against presenting the film in competition with the stage offering was not imposed. However, this gave New Yorkers a rare opportunity to compare the two versions. Would you believe that most critics felt the stage presentation had it all over the film so far as writing, acting and direction were concerned? The complaints alleged that Kingsley's attack on hospital administrations had been watered down, that Gable's performance was more in keeping with his movie star image than that of a dedicated surgeon and that the vigor of the play had been weakened by an approach that changed the emphasis of individual scenes, heightening some and deflating others. Personally, I found Boleslawski's direction not only smooth and stylish but captivating in the undercurrent symbolism and atmosphere evoked through the magnificent sets and impeccable lighting. Needless to say, the one film actor who did attract universal praise was critics' favorite Jean Hersholt who was thought to be at least the equal of J. Edward Bromberg on the stage. My opinion is the opposite. I thought Hersholt's performance a trifle mannered, whereas Gable came across with far greater authority and insight. One of his most virile roles, in my opinion. I was not over-enamored of Myrna Loy (hampered it's true by unflattering photography and costumes), and I thought the comic relief somewhat tedious, - though I did enjoy Wallace Ford's escape on the stairs when he shouts out, "Good evening, Dr Hochberg!" But the rest of the players, particularly Elizabeth Allan and C. Henry Gordon, hit right home.
mmallon4 Initially I was skeptical at weather Clark Gable would make a convincing doctor but not only does he pull it off (even if he is the most gorgeous doctor ever *swoons) Men In White has to be my favourite performance I've seen him deliver portraying the idealistic and dignified young Dr. George Ferguson; 60 years before George Clooney in ER. Men In White is a perfect showcase of what Gable is cable off while Myrna Loy, although not dominating the film as much still shares a mature romance with Gable who must make difficult decisions between his profession and his love life. Rest assured I got the satisfactory amount of swooning I would expect from a pairing of these two.I cannot stress enough just how astounding this movie looks. This is without a doubt most stunning black and white film I've seen from the 1930's. Every scene is light so immaculately with multi-layered and angled shots plus the widespread use of shadows giving the film shades of noir. Even the classic noir shot of the shadows created by blind shutters on one's face to show they have become imprisoned in life is present. Likewise the art deco design of the hospital itself would likely not be practical in real life but it sure as hell looks good; needless to say the removal of eyes from the screen is easier said than done. The film's set designer was Cedric Gibbons, a regular at MGM who helped create the distinctive look of their films in the 1930's and surely Men In White is one of his greatest achievements.Movies like this where common in the 1930's, glorifying those who held jobs central to society (Tiger Shark, Night Flight, Slim). Call them propaganda but they were effective and informative. Although I don't have any real interest in medicine or healthcare (despite both my parents being nurses) Men In White gives a real sense of awe and wonder to medical world such as when Dr. McCabe (Henry B. Walthall) the elder doctor who gives a rousing speech at the beginning of the film on all the medical advances in his life time (anesthesia, sterilization, surgery, x-ray) and the figures behind them. We've come much further since 1934, certainly when it comes to the etiquette of the doctors on display. In one scene a doctor hits on a nurse in the open for everyone else to hear while other doctors have no problem openly talking about their sex lives ("Being in love kills your sex life"). There is even one scene in which a doctor is running through the public area of the hospital wearing only a towel! If that happened today it would be all over the tabloids. Men In White paints a picture of just how demanding a job as a doctor is, working round the clock; Dr. Ferguson works 16-18 hours a day for $20 a week (in 1934 or course). His finance Laura (Myrna Loy) has a selfish streak to her, getting frustrated with Ferguson when he's only doing his job and one which is detrimental to saving the lives of others. Additionally Jean Hersholt (Hollywood's great Dane and an actor who has that look of great intellect) as Ferguson's mentor pressure's George to put greater priority to his career than his love life. The film's ending isn't so predictable having me question whether or not George and Laura will end up together in the end.Men In White also showcases corruption which can exist within hospitals when a superior doctor knowingly gives a child too much insulin, only for Dr. Ferguson to interfere even if it puts his job on the line. Once the child recovers from the insulin overdose, the superior doctor takes the credit; douche. The child however thanks and hugs Dr. Ferguson at the end of the film in what I feel is the movie's most inspiring moment. Gable isn't playing a brute here like he often does but rather someone who can project a level of warmth especially with his interaction with his child patient. The scene in which Dr. Ferguson and the English nurse Barbara Den (Elizabeth Allen) are bonding over their loneliness and then start kissing is a breathtaking sequence. This leads to the most daring aspect of Men In White is the inclusion of abortion in the film's plot. When I first watched the film I didn't catch on that the big surgery scene itself was the result of a failed back alley abortion as the film's hints are very subtle; it's all in the undertones of the movie. That's one reason why Men In White is re-watching; distinguishing what's being said and shown versus what is really going on. If anything this is much more fun and satisfying having the movie simply spell everything out to the viewer. When it is discovered Nurse Den attempted to get an abortion it is simply alluded to that she has a condition worse than a ruptured appendix and before the surgery itself Dr. Ferguson is questioned, "who is the man?". It's not made clear if the child being terminated is the result of the affair between Ferguson and Den, however before their fling she is seen feeling unwell. Although I can't comment of how accurate a depiction Men In White is of the medical profession I was still amazed at the level of detail in the movie from the terminology to the wide range of instruments used. One particular moment which stood out to me was the rigorously high level of sanitization the staff must go through prior to surgery. The film has an economic length of only 73 minutes but packs so much content. I'd happily become ill just to go to this hospital.
bkoganbing Although this treatment of Sidney Kingsley's first Broadway play tends to be melodramatic in spots, Men In White holds up very well for a work almost 80 years old. Men In White ran during the 1933-34 season on Broadway for 351 performances and made Sidney Kingsley a force to be reckoned with. His next play was Dead End, destined to be another screen classic.A year later Clark Gable would not have gotten this part. His fellow MGM star Robert Taylor got his first big break playing a doctor in Magnificent Obsession and shortly afterward Taylor could not get out of hospital whites as Louis B. Mayer kept casting him as an idealistic young physician that Gable is in this film. Gable is considered to have a brilliant future as world respected doctor Jean Hersholt has taken him under his wing. His long hours and low pay at this point is cramping the style of his society girl friend Myrna Loy. When he's forced to stay at the hospital on a case one time too many for her they quarrel and Gable is attracted to Elizabeth Allan a nurse who just worships the ground he walks on. One quick evening and she's pregnant. That leads to tragedy.Although Gable and Loy are good, this film belongs to Elizabeth Allan who came over from the United Kingdom and would be going back in a few years as well. Her most famous role was as the mother of David Copperfield over at MGM. Although it gets melodramatic at times, I guarantee her predicament and how she handles it will moisten many an eye when you see Men In White.With her pregnancy out of wedlock as it were the Code now in place gave MGM some strict parameters. Nevertheless this film still is a reminder of what women faced in dealing with back alley abortionists, not a subject often dealt with in films. Sidney Kingsley would return again to it when he wrote The Detective Story.Jean Hersholt gave film fans a preview of what to expect when he played the brilliant Dr. Hochberg. Later on he would be the movies Dr. Christian and while Christian was a simple country physician and Hochberg one of medicine's elite, Hersholt was simple, unaffected, and dedicated.Men In White probably could use a remake as the Code is now lifted and certain subjects can be discussed more freely. But it would be hard to get a cast as good, especially Elizabeth Allan.
lhat As mentioned in Moe Howard's book MOE HOWARD & THE 3 STOOGES (Citadel Press, 1977), MEN IN BLACK (1934) an early Three Stooges short made at Columbia Pictures was a take off on MEN IN WHITE. "For duty and humanity" is a phrase used numerous times throughout this twenty minute comedy and is a central theme in the Clark Gable film which was released earlier that same year. MEN IN BLACK, which contains another reoccurring phrase (which many Three Stooges fans will remember immediately) "Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard", was nominated for the Academy Award in 1934 for best short. An abbreviated version of this short was reenactment in the ABC-TV movie THE THREE STOOGES (1999) which was produced by Mel Gibson, a well know Stooges enthusiast.