Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
One of my all time favorites.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
This movie is by far the best movie I have ever seen! The plot of this movie was thoroughly engaging and had be on the edge of my seat, even when I watched it for the 100th (literally the 100th) time last week. Kudos to the writer, he really showed the struggle through Iron Hero's natural and convincing Don't even get me started on the special effects! The CGI was so advanced and convincing, it was from the 22nd century! The props were extremely convincing and I now sleep with one eye open because I fear that Iron Hero will come to punish me for my sins! I was blown away by the end scene when Iron Hero decided to fly away! I respect him for not flying earlier in the movie, because it allowed for more violence and showed that he was the better man. Speaking of violence, those fight scenes were glorious! Forget Avatar or 300, Iron Hero has the best fight scenes in history, especially when Kyle finds out his parents were killed and he beats up those thugs! The casting was great, while they weren't A-List actors, they made the movie come alive. I would take Samuel Nathan Hoffmire over Will Ferrell or Steve Carell any day! I would recommend this movie to any of my friends and family, it's always a hit at my funeral after parties!
This is just unbelievable. As a home piece it may be funny for the authors to laugh at their piece. As a joke for the beer party it works pretty well. But this piece made it to the retail somehow and it is being sold for real money, which is not funny. Not at all. I think this may be acceptable for early morning cable TV, but it is way too stupid, uninventive and just dull. The "superhero" movies are usually not the brightest ones, but this is only derivative of the derivative - completely predictable and boring. No decent effects, pathetic combat, just tons of boring talks. On a positive side - the black haired girl (Katherine Pawlak) is really pretty and she is probably the only one that seems not to overact horribly. So one point for her. As for the script and director: I do hope this is just a home movie attempt. Please do not make any other movies for sale - find another job instead.
I just couldn't believe how awful this film was.. what a waste of time. The acting is atrocious.. the lead Samual Nathen Hoffmire (Kyle/Metal Man.. a relative unknown, delivers an almost camp portrayal of a hero who i would of thought should of been a tad more masculine.. whilst even the most known actor in this film Reggie Bannister (Dr Blake)(Phantasm 1-4) delivers a less than ideal performance, the whole cast has been plucked from the depths of low budget films.. only to do another! The only actor who has some weight behind him is Scott Levy (Leon) who had an uncredited roll in Pearl Harbour. The plot is ropey with no real direction. Even the filming it self is below par, with out of focus shots and poor angles. The special effects are practically none existent.. and the only bit of good music is the end titles.. which brought the whole disappointment to an end.. thankfully!! To end i have to quote my 13 yr old son who started to watch this film and walked out after 15 minutes! His comment made me laugh though 'i've seen better power rangers dad'. Says it all really. Awful Awful Awful! On every level!
wow. like somebody had a halloween costume that kinda resembled Ironman and someone else had a camera and everyone decides " Hey gang, let's make a movie..we've got a costume and a camera!" Acting is high school play quality. The rare 'special fx' are perhaps the only good thing in this, one hesitates to call it, film, tho limited to force shields and morphing. Reggie 'Phantasm' Bannister stands around wearing a lab coat and almost no hair now except that famous pony-tail and reads cue-cards in a semi-Conscious state--not unlike the state this movie produces in it's watchers. surely you've got something better to do with your time. even syfy channel wouldn't show this. Useful only as a sleep-aid. Do not operate heavy machinery after watching this movie. Side effects may include drowsiness, lack of focus, drooling, loss of faith in humanity, and rectal leakage.