
1993 "It came from another world..."
5| 1h38m| R| en

A virus from outer space transforms a bio-researcher into a blood thirsty monster. But chief, Dr.Vialini doesn't like the cops and public to be involved in this secret experiment. But he becomes lunch very soon.


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Trimark Pictures


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Also starring George Gerard


Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Tom van der Esch I've been looking for AGES to get my hands on this film. Why would I go through the trouble, you ask? I loved it's prequel, the Deadly Spawn for it's creative monster, gore and wise-crack humor.Metamorphosis: the alien factor has all that and more. It's a silly and predictable B-movie about a man getting bitten by an alien creature. He slowly transforms into a hideous monster. And once he breaks loose, it's best to just run. Run like the wind! The acting is okay, at some points maybe a bit woody. But there's several stereotypes in this movie and they are played fine enough. It's not Shakespeare, but you don't need that quality in a movie like this.I really liked the creative monster designs and special effects. Sure it seems corny or cheap at times, but that's the kind of gore I liked in the Deadly Spawn. So if you are a fan of cheap gore, check this one out.Recommended for fans of the Deadly Spawn and similar movies.Not a masterpiece, but still enjoyable. 6 out of 10 stars!
kenton99 The Talos corporation is conducting some very strange experements with alien lifeforms..... A scientist gets bitten on the arm by a little creature and begins to mutate into a big alien monster. Its killing the employes one by one and leaving a wake of destruction in its path.... little balls of what appears to be poop can be scene in the bloody labrotory where the sucrity guard gets killed, What the hell?!?! I also learned that if you break a sucrity code box on a door it magicly unlocks. The only thing that kept me clinging on in this movie was the awesome monsters. It made the movie worth while. Sadly im sure this movie made as much money as the bottles of oil the jerky boss of the corporation has put in his rediculas hair, but give it a try if you like monsters.
opforce3 A p*ssed-off alien escapes from a lab. An evil CEO tries to keep things hush-hush by hiring two evil hit men. A group of not-so-evil scientists and civilians are trapped in the building with the alien, thus becoming it's dinner. That might not sound like much of a plot, but don't let that jade you: This is a gory, effects-packed ride, and a heck of a fun one at that. Acting isn't very good and the plot has holes, but this is a fun one anyways. Some kick-@ss gore, and the creature effects are great. None of this crappy CG stuff that looks like Atari graphics like we see today, we're talking stop-motion and prosthetics like in Alien and The Thing. REAL special effects. This is a fun flick, a good old-fashioned monster movie that doesn't shy away from the good stuff like the crap Resident Evil movies or the new Star Wars films. Fans of old-school horror will be pleased by what this baby has to offer! 3 stars out of 4 (8/10).
Coventry Please allow me to present to you: dumb and redundant Alien/ The Thing clone number 5.276…All the elements that fill you up with irritation and annoyance are cheerfully presented. The scientist of a lab gets bitten by alien tissue and undergoes a transformation. Guess what…soon he's loose in the facility and on a killing spree. The children of a random, unimportant victim (the night guard) perpetrate the science lab and avenge their father! Oh, how interesting and fascinating…NOT! The cast is filled with lousy amateur-actors and the special effects are atrocious! This film was made in 1993 and the `horrible' creatures featuring here still look like typical 80's cheese. And can you dig the presentation of the makers of this? It's like the 10 millionth rip-off of `The Thing' but monsters seem explode out of chests like they invented it! Because it's so dumb, the film quickly becomes unintentionally funny. You can't hide chuckling when you see another stupid character running straight into the creature's mouth or. …simply hearing the entire screenplay, which is as dumb as they come. Example: `We believe this tissue is alien' `Alien? You mean from another planet?' `Yes, doctor' Oh my God! Is it possible to write a line more stupid like this? The characters are perfect stereotypes and endlessly boring. The typical `fat & fun scientist guy'-type is there (these are usually killed violently) and the cute blond girl turns out to be a Princeton math-queen. Her boyfriend seems to have escaped the of the `Revenge of the Nerds'-cast. The rebellious teenage daughter didn't look too that much like a rebel, neither. Movies like this are a waste of good money (both yours as the producers') and they're destined to go straight to the lowest shelf in unpopular video stores. It is there where idiotic people like me pick it up… It could be worse, though. I used to be in contact with someone who regarded this as the `greatest horror movie ever made'…Now this kid has got serious issues. Hunt down a copy and burn it…just for the fun of it.