Middle of Nowhere

2012 "Love can lead us where we least expect."
6.6| 1h41m| R| en

When her husband is sentenced to eight years in prison, Ruby drops out of medical school in order to focus on her husband's well-being while he's incarcerated - leading her on a journey of self-discovery in the process.


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Lamystique3 The script is only good as the actors and the actors were above average. They showed passion and emotion through their characterization and was able to present real-life empathy in their situations. I am surprised this movie didn't make it into the box office and if it did, it was purely underrated. The story line also exhibited a common scenario that many families deal with regarding incarceration of loved ones. I can watch this movie multiple times and still feel the realness of the actors' life story. Also, many ladies deal with their husbands and boyfriends behind bars and it's a constant battle with one's self too either rock it out with them or just move on.
jmc4769 This movie has gotten glowing reviews from the critics and a few very positive reviews on IMDb. But the current user rating on this site is 4.9, which should tell you something. On the plus side, the acting is good, particularly in the case of Emayatzy Corinealdi (Ruby) and Omari Hardwick (Derek). Hopefully, we'll be seeing these two in more movies. The script effectively shows the dilemmas facing so many women whose husbands and boyfriends are in jail. But even though the movie has a lot of dramatic tension, it's really slow going. There are way too many pauses in conversations while the camera focuses on a character's face. The conversations between Ruby and Derek and between Ruby and her new boyfriend are painfully slow and awkward. It's as if you took a normal conversation and cut out two-thirds of the words. And there are way too many long musical interludes. You can't get to know characters well enough when there is so little dialog. And musical interludes are no substitute for drama. It also got a little annoying to always see faces in extreme closeup. Still, this is a worthwhile effort about an important subject.
tisehardy2000 Go and see this film!! Ignore the critics and lame ratings!! This movie unfolds like a blossom and it's a great film for both men and women! It is a powerful and emotionally deep experience - without being heavy handed. The acting is phenomenal and the characters are She's innocent, hopeful, committed, determined and blind. Her husband is cautious, realistic, hanging on, while trying to push her away. This is a movie of incredible dialog and subtle physicality - the twitch of a lip, the pleading or twinkling in the eyes, and the anger/frustration in tightly drawn lips. I love the film's murkiness and incomplete glimpses of the couple's history. There's not a lot of time spent trying to show how they got to where they are.The portrayal of a family as strained, fragmented and individually isolated was stunning and the scenes between the mother and her 2 daughters -- acted as levers that the director used to shift the film's pace. The movie also gently taps at class and socio-economic constructs within the African-American community."Variety" magazine's reckless and inaccurate review (IMHO) completely missed the point of the movie and of the ONE line he quoted - yet misinterpreted. Hint/hint: the line is "an ode to the fact that most men -- even black men 'ie, brothas' lean toward flicks - where you don't have to follow the dialog; that is...you don't really have to pay attention!! It was NOT a statement alluding to actual or perceived reading abilities.The movie feels much longer than it is, but it was a wonderful savoring. At the end, I was satisfied...yet still would have been content with more! Compared to the movie "Blue Valentine" featuring Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, this movie is a true 10!
jpwilliams88 Middle of Nowhere offers a beauty that is almost inarticulate in its depth. Whatever one may think that they are going to get from a story about a couple's struggle to have their relationship survive the husband's incarceration, Ava DuVernay rightly skips over the cliché straight into a story of truth, brokenness, and dignity. The truth that comes like a firestorm for the lead character is immediate and confrontational to her existence. She's a woman who, in trying to do the right thing, embarks on a journey for the real thing. DuVernay is not afraid of ambiguity for her film or her characters. This fearlessness begets the dignity in embracing one's brokenness as the only path to healing and true hope. True hope – not a cookie-cutter version of hope – but a hard won, gritty, and soul-freeing journey to a hope belies an understanding and embracing of the pursuit of purpose as a journey and not a destination. Middle of Nowhere illustrated that peace and redemption is not always pretty. DuVernay takes her time in the telling of this story. This time is a gift given to the viewer – the gift of sitting with the characters and not merely experiencing an emotional drive-by for the sake of a slick, face-paced delivery. I cannot say enough about the performances in the film. Emayatzy E. Corinealdi is a jewel of an actress. David Oyelowo and Omari Hardwick approach their roles with authenticity and clarity. DuVernay and the entire cast and crew create and invite the audience into a beautifully complicated world and then trust the audience to do the "heavy lifting" of interpretation.