Mini's First Time

2006 "Sex. Murder. Blackmail. There's a first time for everything."
5.8| 1h31m| R| en

Desperate to be free from her drunken, unloving mother Diane, the beautiful, scheming young Mini seduces her stepfather Martin and soon convinces him to join her in a sadistic scheme to have Diane declared insane. But their conspiracy soon escalates to murder and when John Garson, a young detective starts investigating, Martin and Mini begin to turn on each other.


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BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
SnoopyStyle Mini (Nikki Reed) is bored with her life. Her mother Diane (Carrie-Anne Moss) is a boozing gold-digger. Her latest catch is her stepfather Martin (Alec Baldwin). Mini is always looking for challenging "Firsts" and joins an escort service. Her client turns out to be her stepfather Martin. They begin a secret affair behind her mother's back and then scheme to get rid of her.This tries to be a black comedy. It tries and tries but can't quite get there. The writing has nothing new and lacks funny jokes. The biggest problem may be Nikki Reed. She looks sexy in skimpy outfits but doesn't excel in comedic roles. She's better as the femme fatale. The movie is not quite dark enough to push the envelop of black comedies. This is all very familiar and simply less than good.
guil fisher For certainly the leading actress, Nikki Reed, gives a first year acting course job. She was dreadful to look at and her performance matched her looks. I so wanted her old man to slap the crap out of her. She was that annoying. And why would the likes of Alec Baldwin, Jeff Goldblum and Luke Wilson have anything to do with this trite story and badly directed and written scenario.Best performance way above the entire cast was given by Carrie-Anne Moss as the mother who unfortunately is wiped out early in the film. Now if it were reversed and the daughter was killed off instead, it might have been a good film. Moss, Baldwin, Goldblum and Wilson could and would have given this loser some class.Oh, by the way, someone ought to wipe the tons of lipstick this little loser wears in the film. Ugly, ugly, ugly. And the push up bra didn't help either. She just doesn't have it folks. Forget this one.
srique Everyone is saying that this movie is dark...what could be darker than The Quiet!!! This movie is not as dark as some other movies that I have seen. What happens is not exactly right but it is not that DARK! The movie itself is very well done. Again, this is the second movie I have seen where the mother is so out of it that she does not really need a role in the movie. It is ridiculous in the sense that I am sure she just has a few lines. Alec Baldwin acts well as a man being controlled by his sexual appetite. It is a very funny movie. Nikki Reed is a good actress but needs to do something different. She has always done these roles of screwed up teenager. She won't be a teen for long and if she is not careful, her career will be over once she starts looking more mature. The twist in the movie is very interesting. i would say a must see at home with a few friends. Not academy award winning but very entertaining.
triple8 SPOILERS: I thought I was going to love this! I've recently seen the movie "Pretty Persuasion" which is a bit similar to this and liked that a lot. But this movie, while not awful, really bothered me. It was very well acted, actually amazingly so, featuring superb performances from all the cast and wonderful direction but the movie was so incredibly mean that it was very difficult to enjoy it.Since I generally enjoy these type of pictures (I count 'Heathers", "Cruel Intentions", "Wild Things", "Election" and "pretty Persuasion" as good movies) I did ask myself why I had such a hard time with this one. Using comparisons to 'Pretty Persuasion" a movie I just saw recently, I have to say that movie, despite the twisted aspects-(and there were many) was provocative. It was daring but it had something to say. There were a lot of different themes explored and it made one think.But with Minnie's first time, it seems mean without all the Depth and introspective aspects. This is a very hard movie to like. I Will admit I was riveted and had no desire to turn it off. But man did it annoy me at times! It is a disturbing movie I'll give it that.Some of the main characters frustrated the heck out of me. Unlike other movies, we are not provided much detail on Minnie's motivations either. She just seems to hurt people randomly. Alec Baldwin did a great job with his character but this story was just to twisted for me. I mean sometimes there is a line between dark and utterly twisted. Minnie's first time seemed a compilation of many other films but the depth needed to really make a good film didn't seem to be there. This was not awful or dreadful but it just was not my type of movie. I thought it would be. It started promisingly. But This movie just left a bad taste in my mouth in general. I guessed fairly early the pictures were from Minnie not the neighbor. I was also bothered that Minnie got of Scot free. So this isn't my favorite of the genre although I've seen a lot of 1 and 2 votes on here and I could never give it a really really low rating because it's got some positives, mainly the performances. This movie defines "Performance Driven".So in spite of the negatives and Even though I wouldn't strongly recommend this, I'd give it a rating of low 6. It's got some positives, number one as mentioned the performances but also is the way the movie sticks with you-way more then other similar films. This movie is disturbing and one won"t forget it easily. I have noticed many either seem to love this or hate this. There are so many excessively low or high ratings on here. I'm one in between. I don't think this is Oscar material but nor do I think it's awful. I may even watch it again! (It could fall into the "Guilty Pleasure" type of movie but it wasn't that enjoyable to watch so I guess not) If I sound a bit confused about this movie it is because I am. But this is one where even though I was bothered by it, it does have something that grabs the viewer. Alec Baldwin is excellent as is Reed, Glodblum, Moss and Luke Wilson in a small but surprisingly effective role. This movie will never be one of my favorites and I can think of many other directions I'd have preferred it to go but it sure is intense movie watching. My vote's 6.