That was an excellent one.
Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Proust meets "Groundhog Day" in a Donbass coal mining town of Stalinist Russia, with a soundtrack featuring Nautilus Pompilius doing "Goodbye America" – is it any wonder that Khotinenko's Mirror ranks as one of a half-dozen perestroika-era movies that have achieved must-see status for Russians, ex-Soviets, never-were-Soviets and the rest of us?The high-dome version: Zerkalo/Mirror said two things well in 1987 and just as well today: (1) the past is more complex than you thought; and (2) you can't fix it but you can understand it better – which makes empathy possible and reconciliation within reach. To describe much more is to deprive Mirror of some of its power to surprise, so enough said – OK, plus these extra credit questions: 1. Does the Mirror of the title reflect (as it were) A. Tarkovsky's Mirror of 1974? And 2. Is somebody trying to further Perestroika II by putting Perestroika I movies like this one on prime-time Moscow TV so frequently of late, as the reports have it? Isn't that a nice conspiracy theory to contemplate, for a change?
It's not a Perestroika movie like previous reviewer said. Funny enough his opinion was copied all over internet. This is a good and strong story about people trapped in a time loop in Stalin time. Funny and sad at times. It's probably hard to comprehend some twists in the story if you're unfamiliar with Russian and USSR history. However, it's not a historic movie. Obviously, main line is about grown up children judging their parents for things they've done int he past. In this case, 2 guys from present time (1987 year actually) found themself in 1930th. One of them was sentenced for responsibility at coal mine explosion. He's doing his best to destroy that coal mine in the past. Another guy meets his parents, pregnant mother and father... Enough of spoilers. :) Bottom line. Good movie, maybe underrated in Russia, story may seem to be too straight for some people, but it makes people rethink the past and, what's more important, it's very moral and rememberable.
* Some of it may be a spoiler* Two friends, typical average middle-class Soviet men of late 80s, are walking along when one of them trips on a rusty wire, sticking out of the ground. Miraculously, (and at first unknown to them) they are transfered some 40 years back, in year 1949, the zenith of Stalinist era. They are forced to re-live the same day in '49 over and over again (this movie was filmed some six years before Groundhog Day, and I wonder sometimes if it inspired it in some ways). They can't change the events but they themselves change, and find out what each of them is really worth. The movie title, translated in English, means "A Mirror for a Hero".
This movie is very redicules at first time seeing it, especially the first half of the movie, later its going a little bit boring but all in all a good movie I give him 7 of 10 points. Its a typical perestroika-movie. The first perestroika movies were in 1986 like w strelyajushej glushi or posledniy reportazh, but this movie is one of the first perestroika-movies, too. The story is interesting, which shows a new generation of russian movies, which were mid-late80's til mid 90's.