Mischief Night

2013 "The lucky ones die first"
4.6| 1h26m| R| en

Young Emily Walton, who has suffered from psychosomatic blindness ever since the car accident that took her mother's life, must summon every instinct at her disposal to protect herself and her loved ones from a intruder.


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Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Michael Ledo This is the blind person terrorized by an intruder film. There has been nearly a dozen of these made and I thought this was one of the worse. Emily Walton (Noell Coet) who is psychologically blind from an automobile accident where her mother (Shannon Makhanian) died, must defend herself against an intruder on mischief night.There were only three characters introduced besides Emily. Two of them are victims and the third is doubtful, leaving you with a senseless meaningless film that is simply a break-in for the sake of a break-in. No twist.Emily is blind, but watches TV and turns the lights on. Had the feel of a made for TV drama. I didn't feel the intensity or horror.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
homecoming8 The blu-ray cover tells us it's "An Old School slasher". I don't remember them being so boring. It also tells us it's "The Purge meets The Strangers". Or you could also say "Halloween meets You're Next". All of the above titles I love, this mix doesn't deliver in any way. In the opening sequence we're introduced to a couple of annoying characters but maybe that's deliberately done because they'll be dead before the credits roll. Unfortunately, it's not and the rest of the fairly unknown cast is mediocre at best. We have an aged Ally Walker (Universal Soldier, When the Bough Breaks) with too limited screen time, because she's the only convincing character. In the beginning of the movie when the blind girl is picked up by her father we have a shot from the front were his jacket is open. In the next frame from the side, his jacket is mysteriously closed. This contingency error is repeated not twice, but four times.. It's also hard to swallow the fact that the blind girl seems to know her way around the house perfectly when we've been told they only live there for 2 months. The biggest problem however is that the writers or director didn't know what to do with the story. We have vague flashbacks of the car accident which ended the life of the mother. Than we have our usual suspects like the Ally Walker character, the boyfriend or the father. But he turns up in the closet at the end, bounded by the killer ("Scream" anyone ?). This all had to have something to do with the identity and the motivation of the killer(s). Since none of the makers could possibly find an explanation, it's simply revealed by one of the killers that they did it because "it's Mischief Night". The body count isn't impressive and the special effects are very limited to gunshot wounds and a knife in the throat. (the highlight, but ruined by the fact that the blood comes from the elevated hand of the killer instead of the actual throat of the victim. Is there any good news here ? The masks are scary, certainly in combination with the yellow raincoat. Too bad the killers aren't, particularly when one of the follows the blind girl instead of just killing her. Can't recommend it. Watch the excellent "You're Next" instead. I have already seen that one three times in the last year. "Mischief Night" is certainly not worth another look - ever.
petarmatic I was very surprised to find out how low grades this film received.For a horror film I found it excellent. There were many scary moments and it kept me on the edge of my seat. Well, that is all what a horror film should be all about.Plot is a little bit innovative, unusual for a horror film, I think there was something similar in the 1970*s, I can not remember the title. I remember it was a blind woman in the New York City apartment. Something like that. All in all I liked the plot, gave us some scares.As far as acting goes, Noell Coet carries this film, she is so pretty and an excellent actress, I hope she gets some more roles and awards too.All in all if you are a horror fan, please take time to watch this film, I think it is worth it.
patrioted I just watched Mischief Night via View On Demand (VOD) at Amazon.com. It was only $6.99 for a 2-day repeated viewing of it. It was an edge of your seat heart-pounding thriller. It is a modernized version of an "old school" horror/thriller that is so unique that it is unforgettable.Their is not a dull moment in the entire movie. This movie deserves all the accolades and rave reviews it is receiving in the media. Honestly, this movie was even better than anything I could have possibly imagined. It was brilliantly acted by the entire ensemble cast and Noell Coet, in the lead role as Emily, gave such a powerful performance that it would be hard to imagine her not receiving awards for her performance, to include an Academy Award nomination. If she is not nominated then it is purely political because she certainly deserves the nod. Without doubt, Noell Coet is destined for super stardom. You WILL doubtlessly remember her captivating performance in this movie. You just have to. She really is that good.Daniel Hugh Kelly (Coet's father in the movie) also put out an incredibly powerful performance. Give him a best supporting actor nod. Once you see this movie you will no doubt want to give it your highest possible review. 10-star +!!!