Mission to Mars

2000 "For centuries we've been looking for the origin of life on earth. We've been looking on the wrong planet."
5.7| 1h54m| PG| en

When contact is lost with the crew of the first Mars expedition, a rescue mission is launched to discover their fate.


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ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Monkeywess This is an astonishing documentary that will wring your heart while it bends your mind
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
tles7 What can I say, if you watch it, you feel at times as though you are witnessing a "look what we can do with CGI" demo. At other times, you feel like you are in a virtual reality game or maybe a really high-end room in the Planeterium. None of it makes sense. None of it is believable in any way. It tries hard to be "deep" but it often borders on goofy.
Alexander Peter This is a movie that you watch and think, wow, imagine if this worked. To be honest, if this movie didn't have the issue's it had, this might be one of the greatest sci-fi films ever. But it's problems just absolutely crush that chance. I think the biggest issue is by far its pacing. Its not necessarily the tone, I would argue the tone doesn't actually shift that much. In fact the tone, along with the effects hold Mission to Mars as it is from being utter garbage. I like the feeling of space and mars incorporated through the brilliant soundtrack by legendary Ennio Morricone and visuals. But unfortunately, effects an tones have to be built around at least one of the following: a cohesive plot, interesting characters or a great experience. The plot is extremely messy, as I'll get into that, the characters are not even expanded upon, and not even acted that well (you can tell that these actors would work much better with better scripts) but I will say the film is at its peak when there is an attempt to show an experience and not the plot or character moments. When they are attempting to land on mars, I find this scene to not only be riveting but beautifully shot. Bad characters aren't the worse, especially in this case when they aren't annoying, but if you have bad characters then do a 2001 route and focus on the experience and point (or have one great robot character). Because it doesn't go this route, Mission to Mars become much more reliant on the likability of characters and engaging plot. Without those two things, the movie is really affected. The plot is what really affects the movie to me. You could tell De Palma, an accomplished director, had really lost his vision due to the script. The script not only led to terrible characters, but a mess of a plot. At first you think it might just be a film about survival, but quickly you realize it isn't when they land on Mars. Personally I think the ending to the film might have, at one point, worked. In fact if some body told me what happened, I might think its alright. But it is done awfully in the film. There is so much missing, and the discovery of the alien feels cheap (especially when the alien just look so stereotypical with crap CGI). The film was never indicating a twist like this would happen, and although I think they were indicating there is extraterrestrial life, but it was indicating some bad form, like an evil alien. Like when they crash, The damaged leak looked suspiciously like a scratch mark, so I thought the alien was tracing them or something. The music indicated something was there to. I feel like the ideas of the plot are different each act. ACT 1 - The movie is about trying to survive in mars, succeed the mission ACT 2 - This movie is about trying to find the extraterrestrial life, which is acting unpredictable ACT 3 - This movie is about meeting our creators and superiors, be good in mankind's eyes. To me, both ACT 2 and ACT 3 suck, one big reason being that they are in the same movie. ACT 3 is just ridiculous and makes you want to slap your face. ACT 2's idea has promise, but the characters talk to much in a boring manner that really drains the tension. The first act had a similar issue into until they actually got to travelling to mars when the ship was damaged, as it was tension fueled and a bit sad, although not tear jerking by any means. The whole extraterrestrial idea being discovered to me is neat, but it is almost ignored to these boring characters and frankly terrible finale. In conclusion, this movie could potentially have been good. With a director like Brian De Palma behinds the helms, we could have got a great tension filled atmospheric movie, but instead the script makes this mostly boring with terrible characters, a ridiculous plot that loses you when it needs to grab your attention, and save for the travel to mars, a movie that is technically great but not worth anyone's time or money.
Reidal80 I just can't believe this masterpiece got 5.6 and bad movies like Alien covenant got 6.9, just hope in time audience will realize the beautiful movie Brian did.I think that people got frustrated after the first act and then realize that this wasn't a horror science fiction film and actually a well mature drama, also read in others reviews the similarities with 2001 Space odyssey, and yes it has, but I love it, like a homage, but better effects of course...This movie is what I expected from a Brian de Palma science fiction attempt, with all this great characters, human, sensible .The scene of the mini meteorite disaster its super tense, clever and fresh...that last hole missing in the fuel pipe that cause the explosion ,the music pulsating.. Is just amazing, the death of Tim Robbins uncut and touching and the score wow! Ernio M did a fine job, it catches the sadness but also the sense of adventure and yes, this film is for people who love space, aliens and visit others galaxies, the spirit of movies like Contact or Interstellar.Also is about friendship and love, a beacon of life, a genuine vote for human kind , guess the first from the dark career of De Palma. Like Maggie and Jim say in the movie : to reach a new world and just stare at the next one...Thanks De Palma for this cinematic experience, Im with Jim in his outer space journey.
Max I really think Brian De Palma is a marvelous and talented director, but he missed the mark on this one. I'm not sure where exactly this went awry, because he had a good, solid cast to work with, but that dialogue - good grief! To call it a snooze-fest would be generous. Another thing - I wouldn't claim in the slightest to know anything intimately about security protocols and procedures aboard a spacecraft, but I would hazard a guess that nothing that happens in this film could ever possibly occur aboard a real spacecraft. Not to mention the severely impaired mental state of Gary Sinise's character. I'm no psychotherapist, but I can't imagine that a real Jim McConnell would be allowed to set foot on a space-faring vessel, even as a maintenance guy, let alone as a decision maker.That aside, the movie starts well enough, but descends rapidly into the unbelievable, then proceeds to become entirely ridiculous and conspiratorial. I want to say that I am more than ready to generously suspend my disbelief if the story treats my intelligence with respect, which I'm sorry to report - it did not.I'm not sure if I have written a spoiler into this review, and I have no intention of revealing plot lines - there's already plenty of other reviews that do that on here and also address the bizarre left turn that the plot takes, but I'm hedging my bets.Don Cheadle provides the standout performance in this movie - he seemed to really own his character and that's pretty much the nicest thing I can say about this movie.End point - wasn't worth the running time, so avoid this derivative disappointment unless you've already watched Red Planet (which is far better than this) and you just *need* to see another Mars movie at all costs.