Monarch of the Moon

5.6| 1h38m| en

America calls on its greatest superhero, The Yellow Jacket, to defeat Japan's deadliest super agent, The Dragonfly, whose organization, Axis, has made an unholy alliance with the sinister Monarch Of The Moon. The Monarch's secret intent is to invade Earth and strip it of all its natural resources. America's greatest hero is the only thing that stands between the Monarch and his treacherous goal.


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Dark Horse Entertainment


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
IndustriousAngel My boy and some of his buddies made an agent/SciFi thriller when they were about 13 or 14 ... they had one camera, no money, and little time, but lots of enthusiasm and tinfoil, and the product was not very painful to watch if you belonged to the family. "Monarch of the Moon" is even better! No, seriously - although the low budget is clearly visible (sometimes in a painful way), "Monarch of the Moon" manages to circumvent most traps such productions use to fall into. The sets and FX are cheap but have a consistent quality and look; and the pacing is quick - no scene feels drawn-out.The only trap they fell into is bad acting - if you're spoofing something so inherently funny as those old serials, the best thing you can do is try to catch the tone and play it straight - it doesn't get funnier by deliberate bad acting. And a minor gripe: The sound mix could use some fine-tuning. Bot overall, a charming mix of spoof and nostalgia which stays entertaining from start to finish.
erplitt I had no idea what this was when I sat down to watch it, and my first thought was 'what the hell is this?' It took a few minutes to realize that, instead of being a totally inept movie, this was a spoof of old action/adventure films, particularly serials. I ended up enjoying the movie and am glad to have seen it.For a movie that is really over the top, it is quite subtly done. I know that those two things seem contradictory, but they both apply. The subtleties are what make this work.However, this movie takes a bit of flexibility to enjoy. If you go into it with preconceptions of what it should be, you could be quite disappointed. Regardless, I heartily recommend _Monarch of the Moon_.
communicator-1 This serial spoof is a hoot from beginning to end. If you are a fan of the old Saturday Matinée serials, you will most likely enjoy this, as I did. I rented this from Blockbuster,and ended up buying it. All the clichés are intact, and the actors play their (ridiculous) characters with extreme earnestness. The cinematography includes scratches and fading at times, to give the impression of age. This must have been an interesting experience in movie theaters, as each episode ends with "continued next week", and the following episode recaps what you just saw. There are plenty of laughs, but perhaps you need to be a serial fan to "get" all of the references.
Laughing_Gravy Last night, we watched the first episode of this new 6-episode serial that is s'posed to be an homage to 1940s serials.It turns out that it's actually a Naked Gun-type spoof of serials (at least, it is based on the first episode) that has some impressive things in it, but which to me if it were an actual WWII serial would be one of the worst.Blane Wheatley is the chain-smoking hero the Yellow Jacket, who can fly and control actual yellow jackets. Monica Himmelheber is his chain-smoking secretary/girlfriend, and she's the best thing in the episode (there's a running gag involving her being bonked on the noggin that is the only thing I found amusing here). Kimberly Page is the Dragonfly, a femme fatale Japanese agent who speaks like The Craw on Get Smart. There's a lot of references to "Japs" and "Krauts" and Y.J. has a professor-sidekick who is dull, which is supposed to be humorous.The DVD comes with both color and B&W versions; oddly, they both look awful. The B&W looks like the color has simply been turned off, and the color looks like a B&W that's been colorized. Neither are satisfying, but after sampling both we chose the latter for episode one.Stay tuned.

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