Excellent, a Must See
Charming and brutal
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
I am too late on the scene to review this movie. Just watched and I am torn apart in the shades a person can have. There is no doubt that the performances by actors have been excellent. The most painful aspect of this movie is that the world pushed her towards being a monster. With no one to look out for her since she was a child, her transformation into this cold killer seemed so natural and heart wrenching. It was difficult to see when she really tried reaching out and got indifference from the world. Amazing portrayal by Charlize Theron with so many contrasting layers of emotions - vulnerability, helplessness, aggression, child-like happiness when with Shelby, cold-bloodedness!! Hats off to her!
The MonsterEven though there are plenty of biographies that are acclaimed and created with passion and enthusiasm, very few of them depicts the accurate mirror on screen and not spend the time on justifying the events or the characters revolving around it and this is where it stands alone, which is in its smarter approach and newer perspective. The adaptation is witty, to-the-point and effective as it is free from the boundaries that usually restraints the track. Petty Jenkins; the writer-director, executes her anticipated vision which is brighter and sometimes funnier too contradict to its premise. Charlize Theron is the heart of the feature that keeps it pumping faster and harder than ever and is supported decently by Christina Ricci. It is short on technical aspects like sound department and camera work; it could have been shot more wisely and subtly, but is edited perfectly. The only crisis in it is the chemistry among the lead characters; despite of stellar performances, comes off a bit shallow. The Monster is the inner voice of an enraging beauty and the seductive beasts that neither befalls on a definite lap nor keeps the raised questions hanging in the air.
For some reason, this movie slipped off of my watch-list a decade ago when I should have watched it. Perhaps I thought it's yet another chick flick or something that I didn't want to be bothered with. Recently however I bumped into it again, and I must admit that I regret not having watched it before. I always liked Charlize Theron as an actress, but this movie proves many new things about her capabilities. Being all beautiful and awesome, she has always been casted to play the sexy or the bad-ass yet still sexy gal. But here, with all the make up and turns, this is just pure acting, and she somehow manages to do it to perfection. Hats off to her and to Patty Jenkins who both have been able to come up with such a strong character development, perfect story line and such a great performance.
I have seen numerous Aileen Wournos documentaries & interviews, so I am pretty familiar w her speech, quirks, mannerisms, and appearance. Charlize Theron absolutely embodies everything about Aillen Wournos. Her performance gives the viewer a genuine and accurate look into the life of Wournos. She shows that Aileen was very ordinary, who had just been kicked in the teeth time & time again by life. Those plethora of experiences ultimately turned a regular young woman into a very cynical, callused & unpredictable individual. One of the best performances by an actor/actress that I have ever seen...ever. Monster is in my Top 50 greatest movies list