Mordkommission Berlin 1

6.3| 2h3m| en

A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.


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Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) It all sounds very promising for this German 2-hour film from a couple days ago. The director is Austrian Marvin Kren, one of the rising stars in his profession in German-language territories ("Lammbock", "Blutgletscher"). The cast includes people like Lau, Muecke, Masucci, Traue, Moretti and Schüle, basically all actors in the major roles that you usually will not find on the small screen. And finally the team of no less than 4 writers, some of them worked with Kren before, but all are fairly experienced in their field. And still it did not become a memorable movie unfortunately. The main reason is the writing. I guess it was a case of too many cooks. There are some good sequences, especially at the ending and most of the actors certainly elevate the material whenever they get the chance to, but as a whole, this was not a good screenplay for a 2-hour movie sadly.Then again, I cannot even be too surprised as German television is really bad right now, especially in terms of films, maybe one good film for 20 bad films roughly. This one here is not among the worst, but also not among the good ones. You could probably expect this to come short as Sat1 is among the weakest television channels right now in Germany when it comes to quality filmmaking. This was obviously a pretty expensive film. Not only the actors got big paychecks, but the whole production looks like they did not even try to save any money. And it is another example of how all the money in the world cannot make up for lack of talent, like I said in this case especially in terms of the script. The story simply is not convincing enough and there are, on several occasions, cases of really bad writing. Not recommended.

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