Mother's Day Massacre

2007 "A Family Reunited in Hell"
3.2| 1h17m| NR| en

Cheap thrills! It’s bargain basement horror time: a young man’s search for his estranged mother leads him to a terrifying encounter with ‘Pineys’, backwoods hillbillies with a taste for violence.


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Angel Baby Entertainment


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Nonureva Really Surprised!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Wuchak RELEASED TO VIDEO IN 2007 and directed/written by Jeff Roenning, "Mother's Day Massacre" is a slasher revolving around a group of New Jersey teens going to Redneckville to find the long lost mother of one of them. Havoc ensues when a couple of psycho rednecks attack.The catchy oddball rock song by House of X that plays over the creative opening credits and the girl who plays Steph (whose role is brief) are the only reasons for maybe watching this trash. The other two females are okay and the overall filmmaking isn't bad for amateurs. There are attempts at goofy, crude humor. It could've worked, but it's brought down by irrelevant, nonsensical scenes and a sleazy, vulgar degenerate tone. Too much of the runtime takes place in a rank dilapidated house.THE MOVIE RUNS 77 minutes and was shot in northern New Jersey.GRADE: D
dbs630-697-952794 I was impressed with the professional look of this movie. For the indie scene these guys did it right. The acting was on par with the old indie films of the early 80s. I have to say I really enjoyed the Redneck Father, his dialogue was great. Good actor. The girls were hot and played off the coy, sexy, teen-tease part really well. The overall story line was predictable but presented in a humorous fashion that made me laugh. I especially liked the hot-blooded Latino "den mother from Hell" part, that was an interesting twist from your standard white trash "den mother from Hell." The fact that the Fat Redneck kid is named "Jesus" made me smirk. There were some impressive CGI visual effect head shots at the end that really took me by surprise. I would have liked it to be just a little bit longer but I can overlook that. I thought the ending was clever and well designed, though I would have liked "Jim" to hook up with "Jen" before they knocked her off. I half expected the kid in the overalls at the end to say something like "F-ing Pineys" when the truck drove by but I'll take it as it is. Great indie flick, very impressed with the cinematography and the editing. Highly recommend viewing this one.
Woodyanders Awkward teen Jim Cavanaugh (a likable portrayal by Adam Scarimbolo) and his friends go searching in some remote forest for Jim's long lost mother. Naturally, Jim and company run afoul of a family of murderous rednecks. Man, does this uproariously awful and idiotic turkey possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four star stinkeroonie: The hopelessly inept (mis)direction by Jeff Roenning (who also wrote the nonsensical script), a meandering narrative that plods along at a poky pace, clumsy outbursts of raw bloody violence, the hit-or-miss acting from an extremely variable cast (Greg Travis does well as Jim's evil and abusive dad Tex while Mel Gorham overacts up an atrocious storm as shrill and venomous matriarch Dolores), the shaky hand-held cinematography, no tension or creepy atmosphere to speak of, an utterly inappropriate roaring rock soundtrack, the annoying one-note characters, a hilariously sick sense of seriously perverse humor (one of the hillbilly psycho's kills someone while sporting a huge erection!), the excessively profane dialogue, and the completely ridiculous "you gotta be kidding me!" open-ended sequel set-up conclusion all provide a wealth of unintentional belly laughs. As an added plus, the pretty Emily Grace shows a little skin and snippets of the infamous infectiously catchy VD jingle from an old 60's PSA TV spot can be heard throughout. An absolute schlocky hoot.
Dikinsd This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Do not waste your time. This movie makes no sense at all and is nothing more than boring. I do not want to consume any more of my time with this complete junk of film yet I feel a review is necessary. Heed the warning as pointed out in another review. I have no idea what this film is about and neither will you. This film is unwatchable and complete garbage. A detriment to good film. I still want that hour of my life back. It contains terrible acting with a lousy storyline basically copying other Massacre titles. An unsavory frustrating cinematic experience. This movie isn't worth watching at all.