A Brilliant Conflict
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Mr. Bones is probably one of the most enjoyable local made movies I have seen.It contains scenes and messages that only a South African will understand. Despite reference been made by a none South African living in the UK as it been poor with toilet humour, even without this the movie is a load of fun.It contains a healthy dose of good South African actors, a colorful production and an overall message that portrays South African life and culture in general.All-in-all, its fun for the whole family and Leon Schuster best.This is your comment, you may delete or edit it.
I thought the movie rock. What made it even better was to watch my kids aged 8 and 10 enjoy the film.Everything was kept simple and the good, clean humor, despite some crude jokes, was put in place in a way the whole family can enjoy. Well Done! This movie has got a place in my collection.I was disappointed in the overall rating but since some of the finer humor is hidden in cultural differences, it is understandable that some folks might not get the whole picture.And I have to say that it was masterly achieved.
I lived in South Africa for 8 years and this film is basically typical Afrikaans humour. In other words, toilet humour. Usually, I have nothing against toilet humour, but in Mr Bones it is done very poorly. 'There's a Zulu on My Stoep' is side splitting when compared to this trash. How is bird crap funny? Kids will find the humour to their liking, but thats about it.
This is not a movie for the person wanting to see an "intelligent, science fiction, documentary, love story" or the like. It is pure entertainment.The author and actors and everybody involved is giving the most to entertain you, get you to laugh, wanting you to go out thinking, wanting to see it again...This type of film is also proof that South Africans is growing up, forgetting the past, the swear words of the "apartheid" era and the like. One of the worst swear words of that time was "kaffer" or "Caffer" referring to a person of the Negroid race. A child was referred to as a "kaffertjie" sounding very much similar to "Kavuki"! I did not hear of any riots or protests at any venue where this movie was showing.To summerize, WELL DONE.