Mr. Christmas

2005 "Christmas"
4.9| 0h56m| en

A young father struggling to make ends meet on a Depression-era salary can't afford to buy his 5-year-old daughter what she's expecting Santa Claus to bring her for Christmas. The surprise, uplifting ending is guaranteed to put even the most embittered Scrooge into the Christmas spirit.



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Alicia I love this movie so much
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Margaret Cardwell Mr Christmas is a reminder of growing up in a less harried time. It offers its viewers a portrait of family life that is to be valued. The level of accuracy in portraying the time period with costume details & settings adds to the enjoyment. The cast, especially the girls, makes the story far more believable.It can be enjoyed by the whole family as an addition to other Christmas classics. It brings to life an area and a time period that some of us enjoyed and remember.As a former librarian I hope it receives a wide circulation. I am looking forward to viewing it again during the season.
AHillsmith Finally, this is a family story that all ages can enjoy. The characters are easy to identify with and the costuming and setting seem authentic for that era.The story leaves you with a warm feeling and a desire to help others who are having a difficult time.The story is very believable because of the events that occurred during the early 40's. In the depression Christmas gifts were very scarce and hard to come by.I gave five copies as Christmas gifts last year and the recipients all seemed to enjoy the story.
madnet24 Beth Brickell has created a wonderful film based on her own childhood experiences. Less than an hour in length, this heart-felt story manages to pack quite a punch. It's The Bicycle Thief, American-style. Themes of parental love, responsibility and guilt interplay with a charming look at a little girl's wish for a bike from Santa, a wish which Santa may or may not be able to grant. Set during the onset of the USA's participation in WWII, this movie feels authentic. With its deft capture of life in small-town America, the story reaches across generations of families to touch us all. Don't miss the extras.....including a full commentary by director and cinematographer. The outtakes are hilarious.
bluffbookie If you purchase any movie to watch during the holiday season, get this one. It's only 56 minutes long, yet it is a story that will be in your mind forever. Your whole family will enjoy it!! That goes for grandparents, parents and even the youngest of movie fans. I highly suggest that you also watch the extra sections after viewing the movie. To think that "Carol Lee" had never before acted was amazing. The two little girls....not related to the other....were wonderful. My sincere thanks and pats on the back go to Beth Brickell for her dedication and diligence in her writing, directing, and sharing memories of her life with the world.

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