Mr. Hell

2006 "They say your eyes are the windows to your soul---and MR. HELL is in need of fresh souls!"
2.7| 1h42m| R| en

Fourteen years ago, the head of a covert biological weapons laboratory was murdered by a notorious psychopath known as Mr. Hell (Larry Cashion) -- who himself was killed while trying to dispatch the scientist's young daughter Tyler. Fast-forward to the present, when the now adult Tyler (Amy Morris) works at the same lab where her father was slain. Unfortunately, a toxic spill brings Mr. Hell back from the dead ... and there will be hell to pay!


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Ehirerapp Waste of time
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
emtitrauma The worst acting I've seen. No talent. Even worse story line. Amy Morris is such a pretty woman, maybe she could be cast in a better movie. The writers made the two workers down below such idiots. This movie has no.. repeat.. no commom sense. The special effects should be re-named the stupid effects. Nothing made any sense. I would hate to know I went and spent money to see this movie....Oh but wait, I did, I rented it. Well I wanted to watch a horror movie and I guess I did. It was a horror to watch it. The bad guys come in with a load of weapons to take over a run down toxic plant with one teenage security guard at the gate with headphones and one more lady security guard armed with a coffee cup and bad acting.
AAChaoshand Wow, simply Wow. This movie is also craptastic. I gave it a 4 because of a great scene where a mercenary chick has sex but thats bout it. This movie is about a guy that gets killed by a little girl by means of a flesh eating virus in a research plant, or so it seems since they don't actually tell you. Anyway she grow up and becomes a security guard there and these random mercenaries show up for the virus since it sells for a lot. They raid the place and take over while Mr. hell comes out of a oozing can of slime. He kills people and takes their eyes to stay alive and in the end that stack of eyes is destroyed and so is he. The only good part is when the blonde mercenary gets naked and has sex then puts on her red thong. Bad acting, bad props, bad funding, bad idea, wasteful crap.
Honest_Movie_Reviews WOW!!! Is this movie bad and I mean BAD!!! There's like no special effect violence or gore in this movie at all!! And to say this is a slasher movie that's not a good thing.All these good reviews are clearly fake put up by the director and his friends no doubt!! No redeeming qualities in this movie whatsoever!!With the exception of Tracy Scoggins (Who recently removed her name from the credits I might add, What's that tell you) all the women in this movie are ugly and the acting is as bad as I've EVER seen in a "B" movie (And I try to see them all) Do something better with your money like buying a 12 pack and looking out your window because I guarantee you'll get more entertainment doing that that watching one minute of this movie.I really don't know what is worse the fact that I rented this movie or the fact that I actually watched the whole thing...I think I would've paid the rental fee to have not watched this movie as now I'm out both my money and my time. Two simple words STAY AWAY!!!!!
movieprosun Mr. Hell is a roller coaster ride to hell. This film is a throw back to the days of old, and sometimes feels as if you are watching a 1970's horror flick. Set in a toxic chemical plant the movie delivers some great special effects and sets. Watching this film you feel yourself lost in the endless corridors of an old chemical plants tunnel system. One would be hard pressed to find sets this good even in Hollywood. This is a very dark film with some of the best low budget special effects this reporter has seen in sometime. Great FX Company ( ProFX Inc.) Very good B Movie. Gary Watson pulled off a very good piece of work with the filming of this low budget soon to be horror cult film. Great shots Gary! Hope to see more from this team in the future. Great FX company.Movie Pro Sun Review

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