Mr. Krueger's Christmas

7.8| 0h26m| G| en

Willy Krueger, a lonely and aging widower, lives in a basement apartment with only his cat George for company. Finishing his work for the day as the custodian for the building, he ventures out on Christmas Eve to buy a tree and on the way, he imagines he is a well-dressed gentleman while peering at some fine tailoring in a shop window along the snowy street. Returning home, he falls asleep listening to an LP by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, dreaming that he is conducting them in carols of the season. Awakening to find some carollers outside his window, he beckons them to visit him offering hot chocolate, but they leave after only one song. In trimming the tree, he places upon it the mittens left behind by Clarissa, the youngest of the carolling group. Handling figures of the small nativity beneath his tree, Willy finds himself in the manger for the very first Christmas.


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Bonneville Productions


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Also starring Kamee Aliessa


AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
burn4580 My wife had ordered this movie as a free gift off of the TV several years ago. It sat on my movie shelf for years. Finally, three years ago, I watched it, not knowing anything about it. While only 25 minutes long, I was blown away by the story and Jimmy Stewart's acting. He's always been one of my favorites, but this was exceptional. A lot of us know people like his character, alone (because his wife had died), lonely and craving company. Stewart plays the part beautifully. What some reviewers miss is not only his fantasizing, but the fact that when he is on the street, he is saying, "Merry Christmas" to everyone he sees, but no one responds, as if they're too busy, which only adds to his loneliness. At one point, someone drops money into Mr. Krueger's hat thinking him to be a beggar. Mr. Krueger promptly puts the money into a Salvation Army bucket. The music of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is fantastic, but the scene where Mr. Krueger goes to the manger is dynamite. He talks to the baby Jesus with a love that is unmistakable. At the end, he develops a very special relationship with a young caroler. This movie is a 'must watch' for everyone's Christmas season and will help you remember what Christmas is REALLY all about. BTW, there is a special feature on the DVD of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir beautifully singing various songs.
ackstasis My Christmas Eve viewing for this year consisted of Frank Capra's holiday favourite 'It's A Wonderful Life (1946),' preceded by 'Mr. Krueger's Christmas (1980).' The latter was clearly a very personal project for James Stewart, who had pretty much retired from acting by the close of the 1970s. In the film, which runs for 25 minutes, a lonely widower (Stewart) tries to share his Christmas spirit, but finds this difficult in a dingy underground apartment with no company. After imagining several dreamy sequences of holiday-themed harmony – including an affecting visit to baby Jesus in his barnyard manger – Mr. Krueger befriends a group of Christmas carolers, in particular a bright-eyed young girl (Kamee Aliessa) who represents everything that is pure and joyful about Christmas.'Mr. Krueger's Christmas' was produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and unfortunately the film does end with the sour note of religious propaganda. Interrupting what might have been a touching moment of Christmas goodwill, a random voice-over interjects with "I love you. That's what Christmas is all about... Clarissa said it to Mr. Krueger; Mr. Krueger said it to Jesus; and Jesus in so many ways said it to all of us." Leave it to a religious institution to state the obvious. Luckily, James Stewart's incredibly-heartfelt performance manages to elevate the film above these syrupy foundations. Had the role of Mr. Krueger been in any other actor's hands, there'd be very little to recommend. However, behind Stewart's eyes, there lies the subtle mingling of love, sadness and joy, and an astonishing conviction in his film's message.
mtmansfield I have seen this movie every year for the past 25 years and I still get very emotional when I see it. It helps me and my family remember what the true meaning of Christmas is all about. My children really enjoyed it and they want to make it a tradition of watching this along with all of our other Christmas movies. Jimmy Stewart did such a good job in this movie. I could tell that he really liked directing the Choir and also how the choir responded to him. I remember reading in an article years ago, that Jimmy Stewart had always wanted to direct the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He did a good job and you can see that by the way that the choir members responded to him. Thanks for a great movie.
Tug-3 I must have watched way too much TV growing up, because today I associate nearly every special event of my childhood with one program or another. On Christmas Eves when I was a wee lad, my family would return home from the seven o'clock service, my mother would begin cooking desserts for the next day's festivities, and we would turn on WPIX New York to watch the "Yule Log," a two-hour loop of a burning log accompanied by yuletide music. (Sounds kind of strange, I know, but it was a holiday tradition for many New Yorkers.)After the yearly Yule Log broadcast ceased at 11:30 or so, WPIX would air this gem of a Christmas special. By this time of the evening, I would be drowsy, but filled with anticipation for the morning. Watching "Mr. Krueger's Christmas" meant that the holiday, around which the entire kid year revolved (to quote Jean Shepard), had finally arrived.Jimmy Stewart is wonderful in this understated and poignant show. It's impossible to describe without using the word "heartwarming." It has been years since WPIX broadcast the Yule Log or this special (though the Yule Log is now available for downloading on their website [!]), so when I watch my old videotaped copy it really takes me back. Folks who are looking for a copy of this show should know that even though it has not been widely released on video, it is available for purchase through the Jimmy Stewart museum (