This is How Movies Should Be Made
Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
For this should be the title for this bad made for TV movie adapted from a novel by Dean Koontz. Stephen Baldwin stars along with Thomas Hayden Church, both gentlemen of whose work I like. But this is not one of them. I was embarrassed for them both to appear in this loser. First of all it just dragged on and on and on. Four hours to be exact plus commercials. Awful. To put these two good actors through the pace of this was cruel. Didn't they know they were doing a bad film? Then add the distinguished James Coburn and the likes of Julie Warner and that cinched it for me. All of the actors have great bodies of work in the career. Why this one? It seemed that both Baldwin characters were as stupid and vacant as the other. There was no difference. And what's with the blonde hair? Don't recall Baldwin ever being a blonde. For effect? There wasn't an ounce of compassion in any of the characters. Possibly Warner at times, but then she was confused as we all were as to who was who. Come on, a wife can tell her husband from a phony. No sympathy there. All the actors had one expression on their faces. Confusion. I wonder did they know what was happening? Oh, well I suppose I have to give this a 2 star just in respect of the work I know the cast can really do with good scripts and good direction.
As far as Dean Koontz films go, the adaptations to his works usually leave me feeling ... robbed of a good experience. His novels are excellent, but the adaptations are horrid. With "Phantoms," some actual money was spent, and Dean R. Koontz himself write the screenplay, and was one of the producers. This made for the best Koontz movie to date. This time, Mr. Koontz is a co-executive producer, and apparently retained a bit of control over this production by doing so, because this is even better than "Phantoms."If this keeps up, his work may actually one day receive the attention and financial backing it deserves.That having been said, this is a fun movie. The youngest Baldwin not withstanding, the acting performances (especially those of the two girls featured as Baldwin's daughters) were extremely good, the direction this time was better than decent, and the story was not too badly ripped.I was actually quite surprised with the raised level of quality to this production. I was also surprised to find that I highly enjoyed this film; it was fun, quirky, and well executed. I found this movie was actually quite well done. Yes, of course, it could have been better, but this could possibly be the turn around for Koontz and his work.At least, I hope so.On the "B" scale, this movie rates an 8.8/10.That's a 7.2/10 on the "A" scale from...the Fiend :.
When I rented this movie, I did not know that it was a TV movie. It was really good, however, and the best thing about it is that there is a lot of suspense, but no vulgarity or excessive violence. It is a murder movie that the whole family can enjoy.
wow! the worst movie ever!!!! i'm so anxious to write about how bad it is - that i had to log in here while it is still running on my VCR. where to start...? baldwin, ok. - can someone be really that bad or there is some kind of special training for it? if they hired a beer bottle (plain 12oz beer bottle) to act instead of hit - it would have done a better job. screenplay? already seen - about 50 times. altogether - i already spent too much time on this... so 1/10.