Mr. Nice Guy

1998 "Fight first. Apologize later."
6.2| 1h35m| PG-13| en

A Chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
kaya esmer As a young kid with no hopes all dream i was lost is the big wide world. However one day, mother bought a VHS of a film.. The film, Mr Nice Guy. Now I'm not over exaggerating when i say this film changed my life. I went from "Hey can i ask Sophie on a date" To "So when you gonna be on me bed?" This inner confidence has brought me so much joy to so much success. From the fantastic character development to the eye watering heartfelt scenes. All this wrapped together with action that will leave you horny and confused. So Thank you Jackie, For ever.Love Kaya
ma-cortes Melbourne, Australia, TV Journalist Diana (Gabrielle Fitzpatrick) tapes evidence against drug lord Giancarlo (Richard Norton), but on her way away , she is spotted and has to escape . Chinese Jackie (Jackie Chan) is a well known television chef who accidentally gets involved with the news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape . But when Jackie's visiting sweetheart Miki (Miki Lee) gets abducted for the tape as ransom.Jackie Chan's vehicle with plenty of over-the-top action , thrills , explosions , ingenious stunts , tongue-in-cheek and amusing music . This exciting movie is packed with adventure , intrigue , unstopped action , overwhelming stunt-work and lots of fights but with humor . Jackie Chan is top-notch as one army man fighting a group of heinous nasties led by Richard Norton and as always he makes his own stunts like is well showed . Awesome , incredible stunts and brief comic touches , as usual . The lighting-paced storyline slows down at times , but frantic action sequences make up for it . Spotlights movie include spectacular brawls in a mall , Jackie in a crane , jumping down a building , on a roof , in a globe , impressive and interminable fights with Chan dangling and downing , a funny door games , a breathtaking final full of destruction with a giant truck and other extraordinary action sequences in overwhelming style . This is a diverting action movie distinguished by nice cinematography of the spectacular sequences , and contains agreeable sense of humor such as previous entry . In the film appears known Outback secondary actors as Rachel Blakely , Barry Otto and Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as an intrepid reporter . Jackie Chan usually forms couple to notorious actors as Sammo Hung here as an unfortunate cyclist and also filmmaker and actresses as Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh . In this outing Jackie contends a notorious Kung-Fu actor , Richard Norton , a fine action star in their own right and with a relatively successful career , that stands out as a masked ninja, in ¨Octagon¨ (1980), and their grueling final combat endures as a classic cinematic fight scene , director Robert Clouse chose Norton to be one of the ensemble heroes in ¨Force Five¨ (1981), an international hit, and the young martial artist's career in movies took off , his reputation for stellar performances emerged largely from high-energy Hong Kong films directed by Sammo Hung Kam-Bo and starring Jackie Chan in the mid-'80s. Muscular charisma made Norton the perfect Anglo bad boy for ¨Winners and sinners¨ (1985) and ¨Millionaires Express¨ . His collaborations with Cynthia Rothrock catapulted him to a high level of fame . Sammo Hung encouraged Norton to play in ¨Superchef¨ the "Guy" nemesis, a well-heeled gangster, with eccentric edginess, Norton embraced the assignment and delivered one of the best , though some excessive, co-starring performances in all of Chan's films. ¨Superchef¨ is a passable action movie distinguished by ferocious sequences , and packs silly sense of humor as well as Jackie's former and subsequent entries . Furthermore , moving and thrilling original musical score fitting to action . Good cinematography by Raymond Lam filmed in Chinatown Mall, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia . The picture achieved success in China and around the world . However , Jackie Chan's failed at Box-office in his American debut ,¨Battle creek brawl¨ . Chan usually pays overt homage to two of his greatest influences as Charles Chaplin and Harold Lloyd . Chan is a hard-working actor and director throughout his long and varied career . He went on playing ¨Cannoball¨ , ¨The protector¨ and "Rumble in the Bronx", until getting all American success with ¨Shangai Knights¨ , ¨The tuxedo¨ , ¨Around the world in 80 days¨ and ¨Rush hour¨ trilogy , and the recent ¨Karate kid¨. Of course , his biggest hits were ¨The Police story¨ series that won the Golden Horse Award, a Chinese version of the Oscar , the first was titled ¨Police story(1985)¨ directed by the same Chan , it was a perfect action film for enthusiastic of the genre ; the following was ¨Police story 2(1988)¨also pretty violent and with abundant humor touches. It's followed by ¨Supercop¨ or ¨Police story 3¨ and finally, ¨Police story IV : Crime story . ¨Superchef¨ rating : Acceptable and fun film that has its sensational moments here and there , but also with abundant humor touches mostly provided by its agile star , the super Jackie . It's a satisfying action film for enthusiast of the genre and specially for Jackie fans .
lemon_magic Jackie Chan is the best actor in "Mr. Nice Guy", which should give you an idea of how shoddy the acting is here. Worse, Jackie Chan is far and away the best actor here by a wide margin, and Jackie never really "acts", he just is affable and charming on camera. Everyone else here is community theater level or worse, which has to be at least partly the fault of director Sammo Hung. Chan films tend to need a lot of highly skilled stunt-men, and the two skill sets (double back flips through a pane glass window vs believable readings of a prosaic line of dialog) are not often found in one actor. But the non-action oriented supporting cast is just as bad. So either Hung didn't know how to get better takes from his actors and stunt-men, or he didn't realize (looking at the rushes) that what he had was bad (at least for Occidental expectations), or he just wasn't interested in the dialog and character interaction, except as an excuse to get to the next action sequence. (I'm inclined to believe it's a combination of the 2nd and 3rd explanations). However, the action sequences are, as usual extremely impressive and engaging, and well worth your time and money to see. What can you say, it's Jackie Chan with a real budget and room to play. However, even here "Mr. Nice Guy" isn't quite up to the level of pieces like "Super Cop", "First Strike" or "Who Am I?" because the action falters a bit at the end. Instead of taking down the chief bad guy and his henchmen in a flurry of furious martial arts action, ***plot spoiler follows*** Chan's character commandeers an earth mover and drives it through the head villain's house. It's quite an amusing spectacle, I'll admit, and I give the movie credit for trying something different. But it just seems like an easy out, and not in the same league as the climaxes to films like "Drunken Master II" or "Project A" or "Armor Of God".***Plot spoiler ends*****Obviously, I am a fan of the man, going back to his "Protector" and "Police Force" days before "The Big Brawl" was first released in the West. So I would say that if you are a fan like me, you'll want to see "Mr. Nice Guy" on general principle, and you'll find lots to enjoy about it. But I think most Chan enthusiasts won't have it in their "Top 5" list of favorite Jackie Chan movies, or even the "Top 10".
Markmainwaring For many years Jackie Chan had been a hero to me. Then came Rumble in the Bronx and he was a hero to everyone. Rumble in the Bronx was a great film I thought. Not Jackies best but great at what it was. It turned out that was to be his last really great film.A few movies later this came out. Jackies first all English speaking film. As long as you don't count The Protector and Big Brawl.I have to say I wasn't looking forward too seeing this anyway. The story didn't sound too impressive from the start. And it isn't. Its very convoluted. A TV chef who seems to have super hero capabilities? The acting is really bad (look out for some famous Astralian soap stars though). But its the action that really fails. Anytime some good action is about to take place the image turns into this blurry slow motion technique that makes it hard to see whats going on.Okay some great moments along the way. And a brilliant cameo from Sammo Hung. But is it really worth it?