Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie

4.2| 1h34m| PG-13| en

When Moore Street market-trader Agnes Brown finds her livelihood under threat from a ruthless developer, she and her family embark on a campaign to save her stall, aided as only the Browns will be by a motley troop of blind trainee Ninjas, an alcoholic solicitor, and a barrister with Tourettes Syndrome.


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Micitype Pretty Good
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
niallsheridan I utterly dislike Brendan Ó Carroll's comedy which is being rude and foul mouthed Mrs Brown this is just same as the unfunny and stupid television series I really don't see how why Mrs Brown's Boys D' Movie was released Keith Lemon The Film is a better character comedy film should have released Bridget And Eamon film instead
homestarfan13 Welcome to my first Review. This will be a review on the latest British film based off the Hit British sitcom Mrs. Brown's Boys. So is this movie a D'Light or a D'lsaster. Lets find out.OK first off I need to say why did this show need a movie. I would have chosen loads of other shows that should have gotten a movie before this show. Now let me just say that I really like the TV Series. It can be funny and I feel its very underrated. But I still didn't want a movie made of it because most of the time movies based off of TV Shows are awful (COUGH Last Airbender COUGH). So as you can tell I didn't have high hopes for this movie and they didn't get any higher after seeing it have a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes so I was expecting it to be bad. But was it bad or was I surprised (Spoiler Alert I wasn't) Well lets finally start the review.The story is about a street market which Mrs Brown is apart of getting taken down by SIGH Russian Businessmen. Seriously was that the best they could do. Have the villains be Russian. Anyways to take down Mrs Brown's stall they give her an unpaid tax payment that her grandmother didn't pay although she did and they have to find a receipt to prove that she did pay it. Oh and their are some Blind Ninjas but I'll get to that later. OK this story is stupid. I already mentioned how its stupid that the villains are Russian but how about the fact that this whole street market thing was never mentioned in the show. This is really dumb when at one point when they try and have a touching moment when Mrs Brown says that the women always took over the stall which her daughter isn't doing it just doesn't make sense because this is the first we've ever heard of this. Oh and there's also this sub plot of how Mrs Brown actually put her children into care which really doesn't need to be there and just seems like filler.Actually that's another thing that sucks. This movie has several filler moments that you could take out and they wouldn't affect the plot at all. You've got a scene with Grandad and characters that we don't know (I'll get back to that) which ends with a car blowing up. What was the point of that scene. NOTHING.About the Characters we don't know. We see several people at the street market we don't know because they've never appeared before so why should we care about them. Oh and speaking about characters in this film they're is one character I can't pass up talking about. Mr Wang. He is a character played by the same person who plays Mrs Brown (Did I forget to mention Mrs Brown is played by a man. Cause that's kinda important) and HE, IS SO, RACIST. He's a Chinese character with such a terrible accent I wouldn't be surprised if this film never gets shown in China and did I mention HE'S GETTING HIS OWN MOVIE! Then there are some blind Ninjas which is incredibly insulting to blind people as it features them getting hurt and walking around as if they don't know where they are. Seriously the blind may not be able to watch this but that's not an excuse to make fun of them. Toph would not be happy.OK now the big part. Is this film funny. Ehhh No. I mean I laughed a few times. But then there are some jokes that aren't funny like the previously mentioned Blind Ninjas and Mr Wang. But theirs also a joke about a clearly Indian looking character being called Jamaican (That's a running gag by the way.) They also incorporate the bloopers from the show into the film but it just doesn't work. See with the show it makes sense because its basically a stage show and its filmed live so if theirs a mistake it gets left in the show. It doesn't work here because its not filmed in front of anyone so when they just randomly stop to laugh it just seems like their wasting time and the fact they show real outtakes at the end just shows that their messing up on purpose. But none of this comes close to one distasteful joke about an old woman getting run over. That's it. That's the joke. Your suppose to laugh at an elderly woman who is deaf getting run over and then showing her funeral. WHERE THEY CRACK JOKES!!! If I was watching this on my own I properly would have walked out at that point. It was that bad.So want did I think of this film. Well it was horrendous. A stupid story, Annoying Filler and Incredibly insulting jokes. I went in with low expectations but this happened to be worse than I could have ever imagined. It was some how just as bad as The Last Airbender was. Maybe even worse and the fact its getting 2 spin offs with one of them starring the embarrassingly Racist Mr Wang. You can bet that I will not be watching them. I won't even watch a sequel if it comes out.Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie gets a 1 out of 10.
holt_71 i love Mrs Brown's boys usually but i'll be quite honest i found this distasteful and insulting.The one part where they talk about "Parkinson's Disease" as if it was to be made fun of well Brendan its not funny when someone has it.Also talking about making bombs in this day and age is also not funny.The whole plot made no sense considering that at no time during the TV shows were we even made aware that Mammy had a stall so this was rubbish in my opinion.The whole transition from small screen to big screen didn't work.I missed the whole Mammy interacting with the family and sitting at her table.No idea why the rest of the family were in it as they only had a couple of lines each at the most.Sorry Brendan its a big thumbs down and is reflected in my 2/10 Very disappointed.
steve mason Words fail me, I honestly can not find the words to describe how poor this movie is, I mean, where do I start? Poor acting, weak story, not funny. very predictable. There was a time when Mrs Brown's boys was funny, but only once. It has far outstayed it's welcome on the small screen and if this movie is anything to go by the big screen too. This movie, in my opinion did not contain one thing that I found funny and I think the whole Mrs Brown character is now well past its sell by date.The story itself is poorly executed and dragged out for far too long. The acting is poor, very poor, and every scene is so predictable. It has obviously got bad guys in the movie and surprise surprise they are portrayed as Russian, how unoriginal and cliché is that? This movie could have been better with a bit more thought and originality, it is almost as if they have taken a TV sketch and tried to stretch it into a movie and failed miserably. There are too many looks at camera, fine in the show, this doesn't work in a movie. They even keep some out-takes in the movie, Why? It just is not funny. I Think the main problem is that the writers and performers think they are funnier than they actually are.This is the sort of movie that should have gone straight to DVD. Expect to see it in the bargain bucket in a store near you soon. Very VERY poor movie.