Muoi: The Legend of a Portrait

5.7| 1h35m| en

A Korean writer travels to Vietnam to do research for her story about a cursed portrait of a Vietnamese girl named Muoi.


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Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
suite92 Yun-hui travels from Korea to Vietnam to learn about the legend of a painting of a woman named Muoi. Seo-yeon meets her there, and guides her regarding the legend. The two women have some sort of past but have not seen one another for three years.Seo-yeon explains the Muoi story in brief while walking in the places where it happened. Muoi was born of low parentage, but managed to attract an artist who took time to paint her portrait. Unfortunately, he was engaged to a rich, vindictive woman, and had to return to her. Muoi's rival came to her while he was gone, and had Muoi's legs broken; she also threw a pint or so of acid on Muoi's face. When the artist tried to see Muoi, she would not see him because of her damaged face, and subsequently hung herself over the loss. The story goes that she became a grudge ghost because of the unresolved anger and desire for vengeance.Yun-hui takes this in. With more details and embellishments, she hopes to write a bestselling book. Seo-yeon hands her a batch of old papers, photographs, and notes that she had collected for Yun-hui. Yun-hui starts through the stack; Seo-yeon starts a large painting.Through some machinations, they get to see a copy of a painting of Muoi. Just after this, Yun-hui tells Seo-yeon that she had already seen a painting of Muoi. When she tries to show the photo to Seo-yeon, the camera had only a blank. Seo-yeon tells Yun-hui that there was no painting there; it had to have been that Muoi's ghost. Yun-hui dreams about Seo-yeon confronting her about how she had libeled Seo-yeon in her last book.Oi, this films seems to be much more about Yun-hui's guilt about writing ill of Seo-yeon in her previous book than anything else. The two women have a confrontation about the book, and Yun-hui decides to return to Korea. Before she goes, Seo-yeon tells her of how a woman had commissioned three men to rape her while her boyfriend filmed it. This was why Seo-yeon left Korea, never to return. Yun-hui did not know about this.The two make nice. Seo-yeon has some sort of problem overnight, and Yun-hui goes to a temple to find out more about the case. The temple seems to have a lot of Muoi artifacts.This is the point where the film really gets creepy. It proceeds quickly to a grim and thorough conclusion.-------Scores--------Cinematography: 10/10 Fine.Sound: 10/10 No problems.Acting: 7/10 A little uneven but mostly good.Screenplay: 9/10 Comes to a reasonable conclusion given the build up.Special Effects: 7/10 Reasonable.
Armand "full of clichés" is the first verdict. but beyond it , it is a story. not very original but seductive. and the admirable work of director to create a good scene for the story of Muoi using the old instruments and effects of genre. it is a ghost tale, an Oriental horror, travel of past events in present. but it is beautiful. not only for the collaboration between Vietnamese and Coreean cinematography, not for moral, end and wonderful images.but for emotion far from words. it is a moral story and delicate pledge for basic values. it is not a disappointment exercise . only a kind of fairy tale and fruit of a travel in the heart of Gothic story. so, nothing new. and nothing bad. only an artistic exercise.
siriouslysid I had to review this because there are only two other reviews and both didn't really like it. I really enjoyed muoi, The story was something a bit different and really interesting, the setting was beautiful. It had the usual twists and turns or Asian horror and great moments of suspense. For the first time in years i actually jumped out of my skin at one point, and not in the cliché American horror way, this film is really smart, and well made. I was almost in tears at a few points because the storyline has some really sad parts; but any horror that triggers emotion, except for just fear, always makes it a better film in my opinion.I think it is definitely worth watching if you get the chance to, its probably the best horror i've seen in a while.
chrichtonsworld When I saw the trailer I knew I had to watch this movie! Because the ending of that trailer really creeped me out! Sadly "Muoi" never comes close to that scene! As a matter of fact that particular scene (involving a little girl) is nowhere to be seen in the movie! That doesn't mean that "Muoi" isn't creepy! It sure is! You will hear a lot of strange noises and there seems to be a lot happening in the dark!For the most time I couldn't make out what it was! Judging by the sound and music it supposed to be scary! But that is all! It never really gets scary! A lot of events are implied which means that too much is left to our imagination! (I thought that this was done to create windows for other possibility's than the usual supernatural elements! Believe me if i say that matters presented aren't that complex). The story is actually very simple and ordinary for a ghost movie like this! The way it is constructed and told though is too abstract for my taste! I only wished that more would have been done with the premise! Since the legend of Muoi is quite interesting and could have been the start of a new horror icon! The problem is that the mystery that has to be solved is pretty obvious! Only one time I really got surprised! I hate to say it but "Muoi" lacks an important amount of suspense and gore that could have compensated for all the shortcomings!