Too much of everything
Best movie ever!
Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Its only saving grace is that its star Bruce Campbell is as charismatic as ever, the only difference being here he plays an exaggerated version of himself in a role which lampoons both his own persona and his illustrious 'B-movie' career. But 'My Name Is Bruce (2017)' honestly isn't clever enough to be anything other than one of the low-rent flicks it is trying so hard to satirise. The core of the feature is aiming to be similar to that of the 'Evil Dead' franchise, though there's nothing near the genuine scares or the slapstick brilliance that those films provide. If that series had actually finished back in the early nineties, as it had appeared, then perhaps this below-par version would've been enough to fill that deadite-shaped hole in the fans' lives. As it is though - with the fantastic 'Ash Vs. Evil Dead (2015)' television series up and rolling - you can get your fill of this stuff elsewhere and, trust me, it's usually much better. 5/10
Bruce Campbell to me is one of the best comedic actors ever. From The Evil Dead to this film he deserves to become a instant classic. This film is perfect for him because c'mon it's Bruce freaking Campbell!!! Now that I'm done with talking about how cool he is i'll go into the story. The story follows Bruce Campbell as himself in production with another film when a monster appears in a little town 6 or so hours from his trailer. That's when a fan kidnaps him and tries to get him to fight the monster and give the town hope. This deserves grade A movie status and a theater re-release all over again. The only problem was it felt long at some points and didn't go as smoothe as let's say Waterboy. Either way Campbell is equal to Jim Carrey in acting.
First of all, this movies targeted audience is definitely fans of B-movie icon Bruce Campbell. The film is loaded with cameos and references to his past classics and is something that a fan would truly love and appreciate. I know i did. The acting is silly and cheese, and the atmosphere is witty and campy. it actually kind of makes fun of the genera that makes fun of other genre's. if that makes sense. but nonetheless it's an enjoyably film that's fueled by its goofiness, and like all Bruce Campbell flicks is by no means meant to be taken seriously. At first i could remember being a little put off by the four boneheads were introduced to in the beginning of the film (one being are co-star), but it all plays off in moments and the story pretty much takes off from there. so the only real criticism i can give the movie is a weak opening, but what film doesn't have its flaws mishaps. so its fun for the fans but probably not the whole family. But even if your going into this thing without a clue, just remember to try to have fun with it.
Yeah I know it's "sugar", but watching this movie is like eating a cake baked with salt instead of sugar. I like Bruce Campbell, I smile every time I see him in a film, on a T.V. show or in a commercial. He makes me laugh with his wisecracking humor and he's been in the type of B- movie guilty pleasures I'll always overrate thanks to his presence. The Evil Dead films happen to be some of my favorite horror films ever, particularly the second one which he played a large part in making special. Army of Darkness is a laugh riot goof ball comedy and no matter what his critics may say, I do feel he has plenty of acting ability to pull off more dramatic roles.Having said all that, I don't like this movie. It tries too hard to be funny and I think they approached it the wrong way. There was no need to make a spoof of Bruce Campbell or his films since so many of his films intentionally cast him knowing they are spoofing themselves. This movie is the equivalent of someone repeating a joke after everyone has already laughed at it, and then laughing at their own joke. It just didn't work for me overall, it would have made a much better short or a series of quick internet webisodes.Obviously every Bruce Campbell fan should check this out, I mean if you sat through Alien Apocalypse just for Bruce Campbell, then you can definitely make it through this. You may find it funny, humor is subjective, but this movie just didn't do it for me. I think if Bruce Campbell were going to spoof himself, it would have been funnier if they didn't use the whole supernatural element. Just have him be that wise cracker "Ash" in everyday life, telling off Hollywood Execs, hitting on young drunk celebrities, punching out the paparazzi and ordering his legion of fans to take out Shatner's legion of fans. Had they approached this the same way Bob Sagat makes fun of "himself" in Entourage it would have been true comedy gold.The movie was a disappointment for me, I got all the jokes since I am a die-hard Campbell fan yet they still flat, but I still say hail to the King!