My Pal Trigger

1946 "Laugh And Cry At A Truly Different Story Of The West... A Truly Great Tale Of The Love Of A Man For His Horse!"
6.4| 1h19m| NR| en

Gabby doesn't want to breed his horse the Golden Sovereign with Roy's. When Sovereign and Roy's horse escape, the Sovereign gets shot accidentally by Skoville but Roy is blamed and jailed. A year later Roy returns with Trigger, the son of the Sovereign. When Skoville reveals he was present when the horse was shot, Roy sees an opportunity to clear his name.


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ada the leading man is my tpye
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
dougdoepke Appealing Rogers oater. It's not so much a typical cowboy movie as a horse show. The plot's more complex than usual; plus, fans looking for gunplay and fisticuffs may be disappointed. Instead, Roy needs to clear himself from the belief that he shot Trigger's father Golden Stallion. Actually, it was scheming gambler Scoville (Holt) who's looking to gyp ranch owner Kendrick (Hayes) out of his land. Trouble is Kendrick thinks Roy is the horse killer and won't help him, even though daughter Susan (Evans) is drawn to Roy.Gabby's his usual grouchy self, much of it atypically aimed at Roy. In fact, his Kendrick is not very likable through much of the movie. High points include some awesome mountain scenery, a scary cougar, and some well-done horse action. Also Roy, Dale, and 'Pioneers take turns crooning several lovely standards. All in all, it's a more easy-going hour-plus than the usual. I'm just sorry to say they don't make 'em like this anymore. A "7" on the Matinée Scale.
wes-connors In a flashback story, Roy Rogers relates how he obtained "My Pal Trigger". Mr. Rogers was, some time ago, a traveling peddler (and breeder) of horses. He rode a horse named "Lady". The Lady and the Gentleman go to George "Gabby" Hayes' ranch, where Rogers meets Bob Nolan and the "Sons of the Pioneers". Rogers next meets Gabby's lovely daughter Dale Evans (as Susan); she is atop the stallion "Golden Sovereign'. Rogers wants to breed "Lady" and "Golden Sovereign", but Mr. Hayes refuses. Jack Holt (as Brett Scoville) is an even badder dude.It's easy to see why this film is a sentimental favorite; and, it is an interesting change-of-pace. The part with Rogers, Ms. Evans, and the two horses meeting is clever - there is a parallel attraction between the two horses AND between Rogers and Evans. Having the horses get together and mate, on their own ,was quite nice. The mating of "Golden Sovereign" and "Lady" is confirmed (in case there was any doubt) by the birth of "Trigger". Along the way, the adults, especially Rogers, help give the Horses great characterization and appeal. There are some sweet, and sad, scenes Rogers plays out with the horses.The weaknesses in the story are going to be very obvious as you watch - you're barely able to accept the premise of the story when Rogers is suddenly accused of a crime. He's found "red-handed" by Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans and the "Sons of the Pioneers" - Evans points her gun at the accused Rogers, the man with whom she'd just been singing a happy song. The quickness to believe Rogers guilty is ridiculous. Later, Evans reverses her position. By then, the plot contrivances have multiplied faster than the horses. Though some of the scenes with the horses are nice, they are simply not adequate for what is attempted. **** My Pal Trigger (7/10/46) Frank McDonald ~ Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Dale Evans
bsmith5552 "My Pal Trigger" was reportedly one of Roy Rogers favorites of his films. Republic gave it a little more budget and its running time at 79 minutes is a good 10-20 minutes longer than the standard "B" programmer. The story involves Roy attempting to have rancher Gabby Hayes prize stallion sire a colt with his mare. Hayes (in a straight acting role) refuses and in the ensuing action, his stallion is shot and Roy is blamed. Of, course the two horses did get together and we know who the resultant colt will be. The rest of the film has Roy trying to convince Hayes and daughter Dale Evans of his innocence. There is not really a black-hearted villain in the story although Jack Holt is a close as it comes as Hayes rival rancher. The picture is devoid of any real action (although there are a couple of minor fights) and hardly a shot is fired. My God even Roy Barcroft as Holt's foreman doesn't even get into a fight. There are a few songs but no production numbers. The Sons of the Pioneers sing a catchy little tune. I liked the Rogers pics directed by William Witney better. They had more action and less music.
Snow Leopard One of the best known, and one of the more entertaining, among Roy Rogers' Westerns, "My Pal Trigger" has a pretty good blend of western action and melodrama. It's good entertainment, fast-paced, with plenty going on at all times. The plot may not always be plausible, but it always keeps your attention, as one thing after another keeps coming up to test Roy's patience and ingenuity. Although much of the time you can see what's coming, it's pretty hard not to pull for him. The movie includes Gabby Hayes as one of his most cantankerous characters, and also Dale Evans. If you enjoy these old B-Westerns, you should find this one worthwhile.