Good concept, poorly executed.
A different way of telling a story
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Shy and socially awkward Dae-Woo falls in love with Mi-Na, his beautiful but mysterious downstairs neighbor. Gradually he finds out that she is not quite the woman he expected. Mi-Na, instead of being an art major with an interest in Russian literature, turns out to have never heard of Dostoyevsky or Mondrian. Worse yet, she judges people based on their blood types and astrological signs, superstitions which Dae-Woo has always scorned.But what's poor lovelorn Dae-Woo to do? He either has to accept Mi-Na the way she is, or give up the woman he loves. He swallows his pride and resumes the relationship. But worse is yet to come! There's a body part in Mi-Na's kimchi refrigerator and an eclectic assortment of unexplained deaths and disappearances in her past.My Scary Girl is too much fun to give it a "not worth watching" rating. But a good romantic comedy needs to have lead characters that the audience can envision falling in love with themselves, and Mi-Na is not an easy person to love. She is shallow and superficial and completely unapologetic about the crimes she has committed. Her only comment about marrying an old man for his money and then murdering him is that, "He would have died anyway. I just speeded it up a little." Sheesh, try telling that to the judge and see if it gets you a lighter sentence.I eventually split the difference and gave My Scary Girl a 5 rating. If you're like me, you'll finish the movie and think to yourself, "That was fun, but there a lot better movies out there that I could have been watching instead."
This is actually a pretty good movie, in a bizarre way. It is a mixture of love, homicide and comedy. Almost all Korean movies would fill in some comedy elements, and by twisting a love story with a few cases of homicide have had this movie to be nearly perfect. Why they wanted to add killings in this film, well, my guess is that people love watching killings becuze killing sells.If you enjoy the experience of being able to laugh and be touched here and there during a movie, then this one is surely what you are looking for. I like the way this movie is presented. There are no cops involved, and all killings are seemed to be the out of choice action. You won't feel sorry about the people got killed. I even tried to understand how the people feel in the film and what I would do if I was them. It makes me think a lot, while not making me bored.The film begins with an almost-40-year-old college male lecturer, who never got a shot to have a date with woman,now consulting his psychotherapist for help with this situation.As he keeps asking for a change of his being-alone-makes- feel-ALONE life, god let him met a girl who just moves in downstairs in the same condo he lives. And with the help of his friend, he asked (not really by him) her for a date, and surprisingly she set it a deal. Then story follows with their development of love, until a stranger male is appearing naked in her home. Anything followed became out of control as she's true identity is gradually uncovered as the story goes by.The actor and actress left me a stunning impression. They really put something together that gives a burst of mojo into the movie, especially the actress. She is not the type of perfectly good-looking female Korean star with 'beauty-full' face(she's obviously stepping into her mid-age), but what she had interpret through the camera lit up something in my heart that shocked me more heavily than some of the other Korean pretty-face-actresses could do, even making me obsessed with her. Leading male character is also played by a highly professional skilled actor who profoundly demonstrated the creepy sense of the character in the movie. I laughed a lot during his love chasing scenes (and the scene in which he wears armor to have a chat with his girl, being afraid of that she might stab him, made me fall off my chair). Trust me, there are plenty of funny scenes in this movie.Perhaps I have to say this film is kind of Asian style that only Asians may have a thorough understanding of what is going on out there. I'm not saying that non-Asians are not able to understand the movie, but rather that not many of them can be so. Anyway, for anyone who is tired of hollyMOOD's special effect 'mustardpiece', and enjoy the experience of a light-touching and refreshing love comedy, I encourage them to give it a go.My grading: 8/10
I saw this movie at a film festival in Montreal, Canada and absolutely loved it. It's in Korean, but it's seriously funny. The producers/scriptwriters/whomever thought of this movie did a REALLY good job blending creepy-ish ideas with humor and lightheartedness (one word?) which makes the movie so much better. I definitely recommend you to see it- great actors, great plot line, and a whole bunch of hilarious scenes and lines. Whomever thought of this movie was a pure genius. I was actually thinking of buying it but of course that may be a little hard to find (as it is in Korean, as I said before). Anyway, great movie.
a relaxing funny and only a bit of a little scary movie,just like a piece of crisp and delicious cookie ,attract not only your eyes but also your mouth(for laughing :). besides the heroine is really pretty and is performed by Choi Kang-Hee quite to the point,who i'd like to mark her with 8 point if the full mark is ten.and truly,she's quite charming and lovely ,though she is,unfortunately,a killer:(. the plot is also fresh and appealing ,much more than just so so.and the lines also quite good ,funny,eazing,and a little surprising. so why not put all the work aside and take a taste of it,i'm sure you'll love it. by the way,this is my virgin comment on IMDb,i wish it was not so bad,and may u enjoy the movie.