Nature Unleashed: Avalanche

2004 "Nature Unleashed Series"
3.7| 1h28m| en

It begins on a glacier nestled on a frozen peak high in the wild Ural Mountains of Russia, kissed by clouds, the top of the world. A lonely, forbidding place, it's home to THOM CUSSLER and brother, JOCK, a pair of transplanted westerners seeking their fortune in Russia's new capitalist economy. They run a hard-luck snowmobile tour business that takes adventurous winter tourists up the mountains to experience the ultimate extreme winter thrill. During one such excursion, a massive ledge of snow at the top of the ridge suddenly collapses and an avalanche crashes down! Only the quick thinking and expert driving of Thom and Jock saves them. The tiny village of Dubroz, nestled far below, is not so lucky. Avalanche sirens wail, but the panicked villagers barely have time to act as the avalanche crashes down! A wall of snow smashes into one end of the village, blasting-in windows, collapsing and burying buildings... Written by GFT Entertainment


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Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Xanionot Nature Unleashed: Avalanche is one of those films that you can occasionally see playing on the Syfy channel at around 2 AM, rounding out another marathon of disaster (both figuratively and literally) movies. If you have trouble sleeping at night, and happen to be up whenever this flick is playing, give it a watch, and I can almost guarantee that you'll soon be out for the night.Not to say that NU:A doesn't have moments of sporadic entertainment (especially since the titular menace behaves in an eerily similar fashion as the "sentient" tornadoes in the movie Twister), it's just that the package as a whole is bland and uninteresting, much like the snow-covered wastes that make up most of the scenery. Everything you could expect from a made-for-TV natural catastrophe movie is present and accounted for, so much so that even a few minor tweaks here-and-there still render it indistinguishable from the usual early Sunday-morning drivel.I could go on about the characters and plot, but it just seems kinda moot. Brothers Thom and Jock run a snowmobile rental service in Russia's Ural Mountains, a greedy developer is building a hotel on an unstable slope, and the pleas of a scarred female scientist fall on deaf and money-blinded ears, until disaster strikes! Throw in a few romantic subplots and useless fodder characters, and you get the drill.NU:A is not a terrible movie, just a very boring one. It's stoically serviceable in every way, but hardly entertaining. If you watch it every night, you'll never have trouble getting to sleep again.
annaandian Is all I could think about during the first 20 min (that's all I could do) is how much wasted money and energy went into this horrendous film. I know there are good screenplays out there being shelved...and yet we have this dog! It did have humor though..Like how they used every previous avalanche ever filmed and combined the footage. Different lighting...different mountain, different snow, but what does it matter when you get a good chuckle. I have three more lines but cannot think of anymore to say about this film. Awful Awful Awful. Oh, the little village is quaint until it gets hit by what seems to be a large cloud of talcum powder and tapioca. This mystery snow does not effect the trees though, they don't move?
gomelanie I like sci-fi and the B movie genre so this movie was actually pretty good considering the obvious low budget shots. The acting was palatable the scenes OK except I got tired to the cracking ice shots over and over again. Typical cliché riddled B movie with a few twists. Spoilt daddy's girl is not a whiny brat and actually has some business sense. Greedy Real Estate Daddy Dude actually listens to the scientist and nixes the bottom line to help save the day. Really big whammy, the Hot dude makes it with the homely scientist chick who only has 6 toes. Yep definitely did not see that coming (toe shots either) cool looking ice bar, dumb tourists. Perfect movie if you can't sleep and are stuck home with the flu for Christmas.....again
capn_crusty Seriously. I mean, alienating one's fan-base can't be the wisest business decision to make. And while I'm pretty sure making a genuinely entertaining movie isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, it can't be THAT difficult, either; it DOES get done, after all, at least occasionally. Nor is there a shortage of decent science fiction, horror and fantasy writers--amateurs and otherwise, all of whom would jump at a chance to create an original, intelligent storyline.So why do the "good folk" at SFC continue to spring garbage like "Nature Unchained: Avalanche" on us?Wooden acting. Implausible premise. Illogical plot. So-so CGI's. Incomprehensible interpersonal relationships. Pointless characterizations. Dialog that would have to improve to be cliché.Makes a long-term fan of the genre wanna cry.But all that aside, there is one good thing I can say about this turkey dropping, something that actually made me go, "huh; lookee there". It involves what is laughingly called a "spoiler" (how does one "spoil" something this rotten?), namely: the Lead Young Guy makes it with a HOMELY chick, not the blond bimbo! No, really; and to top it off, the Homely Chick--a scientist, of course--has only got two toes on one foot (the others were taken off by frostbite, I think)! And they SHOW it!Now that's slightly different.