Nazi Concentration Camps

1945 "August 28, 1945. This is an Official Documentary Report compiled from Films made by Military Photographers ordered by General Dwight H. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander."
8.3| 0h59m| en

Produced and presented as evidence at the Nuremberg war crimes trial of Hermann Göring and twenty other Nazi leaders, this film consists primarily of dead and surviving prisoners and of facilities used to kill and torture during the World War II.


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
silocicero This should be shown to every person who ever claims that the Holocaust didn't really happen. Even though we have all seen snippets of this through the years, the impact of the full film is undeniable. I hope it is always kept available for free viewing. Each generation needs to be made aware of the atrocities of which human beings are capable.
Bella I found this documentary was excellent because it succeeded in its goals and provides great footage to learn from or show for educational purposes. I didn't learn all that much that I didn't already know but it gave a different view of events that you don't often see. After the Holocaust, American soldiers go to a concentration camp to gather evidence. The footage is shocking. The camp has not been touched since the Nazis have been defeated and there are some people who are still alive and tons of dead bodies. The people who survived looked so sick. They were starved and ill and grateful to receive help. The victims show beatings and cigarette burns that were given to them by the Nazis. This documentary definitely serves its purpose which is to provide evidence of the atrocities and brutalities committed by the Nazi regime and its officers. The documentary takes you through multiple concentration camps around Europe and therefore this footage is sufficient as evidence and to provide insight into the Holocaust.