
3.1| 1h30m| en

In 2009, six friends arrive at an isolated cabin to enjoy a long weekend in the snow. An epic snowstorm interrupts their vacation, trapping them on the mountain and resurrecting the haunting ghosts of the Donner Party. But, are they true 'entities' or is it simply 'cabin fever' that brings out their fears and darkness, causing friends to turn against each other as reality deteriorates around them.


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Aidan Landry Friends spending a weekend trapped in a remote cabin is not a new movie concept. But, adding in a snowstorm and Tiffany, you will catch my interest! I watched this film expecting the worst, but actually enjoyed it for the most part.I know a little of the Donner party story, and I thought the connection was a good one, if under-utilized. A few flashback scenes and vague mentions of them didn't really paint the picture of just who these people were and why they were coming back to haunt this cabin. But, I suppose that is part of the intent. We are never sure whether there really are ghosts, or if they are just in the mind.The two main leads did very well together. There "romantic" scene in the power shed near the end of the film was my favourite. I thought they clicked well and having the film finally end on them, with the big question still looming about whether or not they will make it, left me thinking.I was also impressed that the movie used Tiffany's song "Winters Over" for their closing credits. Little touches like that found in this movie make it stand out a bit from the usual fair found in this low-budget genre.
UnknwnProd Necrosis is a nifty little ghost thriller in the vein of The Shining. The plot concerns a group of six young people who travel to a beautiful cabin in the woods in the dead of winter for a little getaway. Unfortunately for the group, the cabin sits directly on the land where the ill-fated Donner Party was stranded in a huge snowstorm over 150 years ago. As we all know, the actual Donner Party resorted to cannibalism in order to survive their winter ordeal in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, eventually making it into California in the spring of 1847. Although the locals try to warn the group of young people, their warnings go unheeded. As the snow begins to pile up, so do the mysterious occurrences as well as the number of corpses. Are these events truly caused by ghosts, or is cabin fever causing certain members of the group to lose their grip on reality? Director Jason Robert Stephens has assembled a terrific cast, including Heroes star James Kyson-Lee, indie scream queen Danielle De Luca, 7th Heaven star George Stults, Penny Drake (of Zombie Strippers fame), and 80's mall-pop icon Tiffany in her first starring role. The women are beautiful and the acting is generally strong, a real plus for a low-budget horror film. As a bonus we get cult horror film actor Michael Berryman who plays the misunderstood local who tries to warn the group of their impending doom.Although only his third feature, Stephens shows he is a good director that can turn out a quality product. I especially enjoyed his scene transitions using shots of nature such as clouds forming and reforming as well as wintry scenes. Stephens also knows how to set up a shot, so there are plenty of unique angles and tracking shots that keep the movie interesting.While the plot isn't terribly original—it's the same basic idea as The Shining, including the open-ended idea that the hotel (or cabin in Necrosis) could be haunted or it could be the imagination of a mentally unbalanced person suffering from cabin fever—Stephens is able to keep the story fresh enough that it doesn't seem like a complete ripoff and manages to be fun.Kyson-Lee plays Jerry, a man with a history of mental illness who manages to keep his illness in check with the use of medication. As the snow sets in, the men find the body of the cabin's caretaker who apparently froze to death. Deciding to keep it to themselves so as not to upset the girls, Jerry later realizes that the body has disappeared. While the others rationalize that an animal must have taken the body, Jerry remains unconvinced. Shortly thereafter, Jerry begins to see the ghosts of the Donner party. Before long they begin to talk to him. Some of the group members die in mysterious accidents while others are murdered by Jerry.There are some flaws in the film. While the acting is generally strong, I found Danielle De Luca's character to be a bit too whiny and annoying for my tastes. She is constantly whining and harping on her boyfriend, Jerry (Kyson-Lee). I found all this incessant henpecking to be quite irritating, creating an unsympathetic feeling towards De Luca's character. There is also a terribly unrealistic scene where Samantha (De Luca) slips on some ice and "falls" down a steep hill, having to be rescued by her friends. The entire scene was not only horribly fake, but didn't need to be included because it doesn't move the story along. That being said, I don't blame these faults on De Luca herself; rather the director is to blame for creating such an irritating and helpless character and for including this brief but laughable scene. But the strengths in both characterization as well as story far outweigh these relatively minor quibbles.While the use of CGI was minimal, it was also unrealistic enough to be picked out fairly easily. There are a couple of snow scenes that are obviously digitally enhanced which distracted me enough that it took me out of the picture.I also felt like the climax of the film occurred too quickly. While the remaining two survivors (Drake and Stults) are able to subdue Jerry (Kyson-Lee), the film ends with them still trapped in the cabin, still in the middle of a snowstorm, and with the generator running out of gas. Worse still, one of the survivors is beginning to see strange things. So the viewer is left not knowing whether the two survived or whether they didn't. And if they didn't, were the ghosts real or was cabin fever beginning to set in again? Normally I prefer open endings like this, but in this case I didn't feel like there was any resolution at all and that too much was left for the viewer to decide.There is a decent amount of gore—a few gunshots, several relatively quick scenes of cannibalism, and a fairly protracted scene showing one character picking the buckshot from another character's gunshot wound. The violence is realistic and effective but is over fairly quickly, so even the squeamish shouldn't be too put off. In fact, the film is billed as "unrated" but it looks more like an R-rated film to me. I suspect it is unrated because it wasn't submitted to the MPAA.Overall I really liked this film. It's not without its flaws, but it is a solid effort and looks really good, even for a low-budget movie. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is a fun film to watch. The packaging is also really nice and DVD extras include the trailer, Making of Necrosis, and director's commentary. If you would like to purchase this DVD, you can get it from BrinkDVD.Review by Cary Conley from Rogue Cinema (5/1/2010).
iwaheed i watched this lick last night and slept somewhere around 3A.M..and after watching this SO CALLED movie i cursed myself like anything. Why did I watch was one of the worst flicks I have ever seen in my life...No storyline, No acting skills, no directional,,,and the worst was the background sounded like some BABy channel program... Anyway,,I warn everyone to give this flick a big ignore and Please do not watch the trailer as It is really deceiving....It is a total waste for sure and a really bad effort (if there was any)... I would recommend viewers to watch Tom & Jerry classic cartoons instead of this flick. The Chinese guy in this flick was a little better than the rest... A BIG DISASTER...
boysailor After seeing about 10 minutes of this movie I took out the DVD from my player. Yes, I literally threw it in the trash. Now, I understand why the first reviewers rated this so low. The poor thing about this is it's the just flat out very-very poor acting. Oh, the lines delivery is also very-very amateur like they're reading directly from the script. Yes, the movie is very disturbing to the fact that the makers wasted their money for hiring very-very less talented actors. It left me asking the same question on why I wasted my frigging money buying the DVD? The tag-line of the movie really got me COLD. Brrr, stupid movie and stupid me for falling into the trap.