Nice effects though.
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
This film is about a woman who seems to get into peoples homes tortures and kills them and then walks away!America Olivo plays her very well a person who can calmly make a cup of coffee and then go and torture someone with no conscience at all.It starts in a house where shes dancing around the kitchen and then upstairs are the two occupants tied up and tortured, the man is still alive but his wife has died, America then puts a tap into his chest and turns it on making him bleed to death yuck!As she leaves she hears a child crying and goes in I was worried because I did not want to see any horror towards a child but we do not see it thank god.Next we see three male friends talking about their music and from there America gets one of them in his own home and tortures him quite graphically, if you like gore and blood this is for you she seems to relish hurting him. Then his mate comes round hears screaming rushes down into the basement (where shes doing the torturing) and sees what she has done a fight erupts and the mate pours acid on her face and saves his mate, or does he because here is where it went a bit weird the tortured man is now healed but having flashbacks and seeing the woman wherever he goes, but then hes back in the chair still tortured and his girlfriend is next to get the torture treatment and dies from it.The mate who saved him initially turns up and gets set alight and killed! Upstairs his other mate arrives and America gives him a drink shes made a cocktail of weedkiller! so he dies, keep up, now for the finale she strangles the first man who she has been torturing and leaves, a scene where all the dead are in the basement and then the one who drank weedkiller wakes up and it goes dark and he screams!I enjoyed it though intense and gory in places but did not get the scenes where hes better and seeing things maybe while tortured he had visions I do not know. Also in her killing spree she kills a old lady with her pills and a woman by electrocuting her in her bath.How does she get into all these homes? does everyone leave their doors unlocked lol
I don't even know where to start. After reading the reviews in here now, I wish I had done this before I wasted time trying to watch this mess. I got the impression it was supposed to be another Hostel but it was just two hours of a lady torturing people. There wasn't any actual story. I don't know, I thought it started out okay too but after five minutes it's all downhill. I'm guessing they were making it up as they went along but the special effects are not bad, so there was some money spent on this. Outside that, there isn't anything professional. No story, no acting, nothing. The main guy is getting just the most horrible stuff done to him and he's cringing like he was stung by a bee. A total waste of good effects. Hopefully next time if you're going to spend your money on good effects, you'll spend money on a script and actors too, otherwise it's just a waste of money. There might have been a story in there somewhere. They should have hired a writer. Otherwise, it was terrible, quite possibly the worst movie I've seen this millennium.
A friend asked me if I wanted to see the worst movie ever made. I always want to see a really bad movie. He told me to check out this movie because it's really bad, so bad the guy who directed it put his name above the title insinuating it's good. Any movie that someone puts their name above the title is going to be a movie I want to see because either it's going to be really good or it's going to be so bad it's good.This was neither.It was awful. But not in a good way that you can laugh and be entertained but more in a "neighborhood kids make a video and make you watch it" kind of way. These aren't neighborhood kids but the neighborhood kids in my neighborhood could do a more professionally made movie than this.All this is is one torture scene after another. No story. No anything. Just torture. Even your fanboy gore fans would be bored here. It's just bad. Why someone thought two hours of people being tortured would be entertaining is beyond me. So why does the guy have his name in the title? He couldn't be proud of this. It's terrible. Maybe as a joke? If you want to see a torture porn movie, see Serbian film, Hostel or any number of other films that have come out the last couple years. If you want to just see a badly made torture video without an actual story, this would be what you should rent. I can't imagine a single person finding this entertaining and that goes for the people who made it. Even they had to be watching going "man, this sucks." I sure did.
The person who "directed" this garbage puts his name above the title. I find it hard to believe someone wants to take credit for this. It's terrible, like a Uwe Boll movie. Really, this is one of the most amateurish attempts at a movie I've seen in years but it comes across as so pretentious as if it was good. Forget that there isn't an original bone in the body of this clichéd waste of time, the fact that the people making have no idea what they're doing makes it worse. And if you're going to put references to actual good movies, it doesn't help when your movie comes across like an amateur video, which is pretty much what this is. I thought maybe the guy who "directed" this was some foreign guy I've never heard of since his name was above the title like that meant something but he's not - after looking at his IMDb page, it's just some guy who wants to break in the industry (but has no talent). So this makes it even worse. A terrible video made by a guy with a big ego who puts his name above the title. Good. I hope he does that for everything he ever does from now on - it will serve as a warning. Then again, the odds of this guy ever making another movie that gets on a rent-able DVD are nil. Nill I tells ya.