the leading man is my tpye
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
(Flash Review)McQueen plays a young chap whose parents were brutally murdered by a gang of thieving cowboys. Riddled with anger, he plans to exact revenge even though he has no experience with a pistol and fighting. Along his vengeful journey he meets some influential characters. Some provide assistance, some the opposite and some a moral compass for him. How far will he take his revenge? A pretty good western with great scenery, good character development, solid story yet the editing felt a bit choppy and jumpy around the timeframe. If you like McQueen or westerns, check it out.
A naive half-Indian, half-white teenager (Steve McQueen) evolves into a hardened killer as he tracks down his parents' murderers.In the world of "revenge films", you have many that fall into the category of exploitation. This one rises above that and is much more nuanced, with some memorable characters. It also attempts to make comments on race and gender, though how successful it is on that is up to the viewer to decide.How much does our protagonist rise above the revenge inside him? Well, in some ways he is pretty set in his ways. When presented with the Bible (which, amazingly, he had never heard of), all he takes from it is the "eye for an eye" bit. Maybe he never got to the New Testament.
Good scenery, great cinematography and good music score do not a movie make. Good plot, but executed in a strange way. STEVE MCQUEEN is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH to old for the role. He also kind of "sleep walks" thru this. Maybe he didn't have much faith in the script. SUZANNE PLESCHETTE is wasted in a nothing role. In fact she's totally miss cast. The three villains score my vote for good performances. An uncredited JOANNA MOORE has a nice bit in a hotel room with MCQUEEN. Picture could have used more of her. SPOILER ALERT: Now for the worse part. How did MCQUEEN get out of the swamp and get out of his prison chains and end up in California with no one noticing??? A real plot hole here unless there was a giant cut in the final edit. If so, that was DUMB. Picture was OK until that point, and what follows is pretty bad. Again maybe to jagged editing. Nothing makes much sense. Too bad as NEVADA SMITH has the makings of a good film.
I do love old western movies, but I really dislike this one. The pictures and the atmosphere (OK OK, maybe actors as well), are the only reason to watch this movie. Everything else in this movie is totally not convincing.The story is awful - it is totally predictable and makes no sense psychological. Characters act weird and are absolutely unrealistic. Especially our hero hurt my brain. He turns from some idiotic, naive, half-Indian with blonde hair, into a ruthless murderer that only cares about revenge. In the end of the movie he changes his mind, and does not kill his 3rd victim (after shooting him 4 times). This change of mind is totally not explained... One of the worst endings I have ever seen.If this movie wouldn't look so nice, and have such a nice atmosphere, it would have gotten 1 point from me. This movie has one of the poorest scripts ever.