Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Bluebell Alcock
Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
I saw one bad review and figured that being an indie film maybe this was an honest review and all the other reviews were possibly friends of the filmmakers or cast mates trying to get some positive ratings on IMDB. I'm glad that I decided to take a chance and give this nice little gem a look for myself. I have no idea what that reviewer's problem was, but this was actually a very entertaining fan film. The build up to the confrontation between the main character and Jason was well done. And the fight scenes were actually quite entertaining. I would really like to see what these people are able to accomplish in the future if someone will give them a decent budget and a good script. Well done and keep up the good work.
This film was incredible. Unlike the other films of the series, this impressive piece of work relied mostly on suspense and even some psychological horror rather than a huge kill count, and it succeeds because it actually is pretty scary. But with that said, there are some graphic wounds and there are two deaths. A man gets a hatchet to the chest, he is seen stumbling into the middle of a road and bleeds to death. This is pretty graphic. A girl is pulled put of an ambulance and is bashed against the side of the vehicle off scree, but her corpses is shown from a distance. The ambulance driver is pulled out of the car and is attacked by Jason (offscreen) but he survives. The main character is attacked constantly by Jason. He is stabbed, beaten, even thrown out a second story "door that goes nowhere." They explain it in the movie. Jason even torments him psychologically, appearing in his dreams, including a pretty well made special effect of Jason crushing his head. The hero stabs Jason in the neck with an axe, blue blood leaks from his mask and wound, but it has no real effect on him. I really liked this movie, it was well made and very suspenseful. The only real problem I had was how I felt that the ending was rushed. I didn't understand how Jason didn't kill the ambulance driver, but then again, it could have been that Jason was distracted by his friend trying to help him, but to me it felt like that random biker Jason butchered in Part 3 only for him to somehow be alive at the end without a scratch. But I did overall enjoy this fan film. It was well made, had some pretty cool special effects, and overall a great story line. I did enjoy the modern twists to this film series. It is actually better than most Friday films.
Horror is the most frustrating genre for me, yet I am completely in love with it, and I keep coming back, desperately wanting it to succeed. When it works, it really works, but most of the time the genre just refuses to produce decent content. I'd say about every four years, there is one or two horror movies worth watching, and as usual, this isn't one of them.I actually had high hopes for this movie (my standard for horror movies these days are way lower than a normal film, unfortunately) judging by the first ten minutes. After I talked myself into getting past the dumb title, I was willing to give this film a chance, and honestly? The acting and camera work seemed better than what you would normally find in a low budget slasher flick. This excitement I had was shattered pretty quickly. The first thing that was completely idiotic? The main character is inspecting a sign/rope with his back toward the villain as he is getting closer in each frame. Okay, fine, all good. Our main character looks down, and now we see that the villain is about five inches away from the guy. Our main character grabs his knife (only recently noticing the footsteps, for some reason) and turns around. Five inches away, people. Guess what? The villain disappears. Into thin air, nowhere to be seen, and there was absolutely nowhere to hide behind but believe it, it happened. Honestly, this was pretty hard to get past, but alas, I powered through, because I was now viewing this film as a comedy. Another thing that was absolutely hilarious was the sound editing. It's bad. Really bad. The killer's footsteps were over-dramatic, unnecessary stomping. I mean, really? Not to mention it was always in the killer's POV, like, we get it, the villain is walking towards the main character. No need to raise the volume to level ten for this. Also, any solitary movement the main character makes is very exaggerated. In another scene, the guy finds an area completely splattered in blood. Guess what? He continues to look around the house. In all of this mess, I will admit, there was something that was actually creepy in here. I don't know what it was. The shots of the bare tree limbs? The main character's expression while looking off into the distant woods? I don't know, but it still couldn't save this movie.This wasn't even a sixty minute movie, and they still managed to make it absolutely terrible. Horror is something that few are willing to put effort in, I guess. It's a shame, and I can't believe I took the time to write a review about this film, out of all the films.
We can all agree that most horror franchises lose a fair amount of steam at some point. Michael, Leatherface, Pinhead and Freddy all suffered from too many bad sequels, and Jason is no exception. Honestly, the last great Friday the 13th film was Part 6: Jason Lives.....31 years ago. Sure, people tend to love some of the others that followed for various reasons, but most certainly not because they're great horror films. Enter writer/director/actor Vincente DiSanti, who spearheaded a Kickstarter campaign in 2016 to fund an originally estimated short 22 minute fan-film. With an enticing teaser trailer and fantastic incentives, it's no surprise that they surpassed their goals, which might explain why it turned into a 55 minute film rather than the original 22. Anyway, here we are in October of 2017, with the film brilliantly being released for FREE all over the world on.....wait for it......Friday the 13th! Amazing. Let's dig in.An avid back country hiker and vlogger, Kyle McLeod, is out hiking on a solo trip when he stumbles upon a deserted camp. He soon discovers that this camp has a brutal history and worse yet, he might not be alone.Never Hike Alone is hands-down one of the best Friday the 13th films ever made. DiSanti and his crew took all of the fundamental elements that made the franchise so great in the first place and puts a fresh spin on it by incorporating the found footage narrative. But wait! Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. I personally can't stand found footage films. I find them lazy. But the way DiSanti incorporates it into Never Hike Alone works brilliantly. It's only a small tool, and thankfully, most of the film is shot traditionally. Even so, the found footage angle is still done surprisingly well, in that it's not shaky- cam nonsense, which was entirely refreshing. And that's another thing I found surprising here. The film itself is visually impressive. In fact, if you were to judge it purely on the camera-work alone, it's a better looking film than any of the last 6 in the franchise, including Freddy VS Jason. But that's just me. On a technical level, it delivers the goods in every single department; from the sound editing, the score, the effects, the stunts and most importantly, the editing. It's a trim 55 minutes that never overstays it's welcome, and utilizes every second to help push the film further along at a brisk pace.On a narrative front, the film packs a punch. While the first half does a good job of setting things up in a timely manner, it's really the second half that delivers the slasher goods, and boy you're in for a treat. Every creative and technical decision DiSanti and his crew make bring the film to life in such a startlingly frightening way, that it makes you wonder why filmmakers today can't make films like this anymore. He doesn't bring anything new to the table, other than the found footage angle, but uses the typical slasher tropes to full effect, and in some instances, enhancing certain elements for a much more visceral experience. I don't want to give too much away before you've actually seen it, but needless to say, Vincente DiSanti did his homework. For example, every single time Jason (DiSanti) took a step, it sounded like a giant dinosaur was walking the Earth. You felt every single step. And that brings me to DiSanti's portrayal of Jason. He does a phenomenal job. The guy is big, and he takes on the role with gusto. I'd have to say it's probably one of my favorite Jason's after C.J. Graham in Part 6: Jason Lives. The makeup department also needs to be commended. I loved Jason's "look" in this. Traditional, yet cleaner. Again, it's more in tune with his look in Part 6 than say his zombie-look in Part 7 and 8.If you've been missing a good traditional slasher, then Never Hike Alone will surely fill that sweet spot. The film was filled with nonstop surprises for me. It's so good in fact that you'll want more. You'll wish they were able to stretch it out for an extra half hour, but trust me when I say that it's a strong 55 minutes and just as long as it needs to be. And wait till you see the surprise at the end. I couldn't believe it. Such a.....awe hell. I'll just let you experience it for yourself. Just a great bombshell in an already great experience. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how good this little crowd-sourced film is compared to big budget studio films in general. Only, it's not just's GREAT!!For more cult cinema please visit