Never Hike Alone

2017 "Really? This thing? This thing looks like a piece of shit to me. F---ing sponsors."
6.8| 0h54m| en

A hiker runs through the woods and run into the remains of recreational camp Crystal Lake, the camp as we all known as the home for the Friday the 13th episodes throughout the years. Apparently Jason still resides there as the hiker soon discovers. After that its Jason at its best again, as he joins up with his favorite weapon, the machete. Will the hiker survive or not, that's the question. So far only one ever did, not even Freddy Krueger.


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Also starring Robert DuBois


Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Jimmymac2481 Pretty much the go to fan film!! This is awesome!! I recently shared this movie through my page Facebook page HorrorGeek, with the permission of Vincente DiSanti who not only is an awesome film maker but also a really cool guy!!
lukehahn This is an amazing movie by Hollywood standards. Now imagine how much more impressive and better it is knowing that it is a fan made film. *spoilers ahead* Also having the legend himself Thom Matthews reprise his role as the other legend himself, Tommy Jarvis, who is quite possibly the best hero in the horro genre, was just amazing.This film is great and 100% worth your time. Paramount needs to hire these people and make a new movie with them as the directors.
antiflowers Horror is the most frustrating genre for me, yet I am completely in love with it, and I keep coming back, desperately wanting it to succeed. When it works, it really works, but most of the time the genre just refuses to produce decent content. I'd say about every four years, there is one or two horror movies worth watching, and as usual, this isn't one of them.I actually had high hopes for this movie (my standard for horror movies these days are way lower than a normal film, unfortunately) judging by the first ten minutes. After I talked myself into getting past the dumb title, I was willing to give this film a chance, and honestly? The acting and camera work seemed better than what you would normally find in a low budget slasher flick. This excitement I had was shattered pretty quickly. The first thing that was completely idiotic? The main character is inspecting a sign/rope with his back toward the villain as he is getting closer in each frame. Okay, fine, all good. Our main character looks down, and now we see that the villain is about five inches away from the guy. Our main character grabs his knife (only recently noticing the footsteps, for some reason) and turns around. Five inches away, people. Guess what? The villain disappears. Into thin air, nowhere to be seen, and there was absolutely nowhere to hide behind but believe it, it happened. Honestly, this was pretty hard to get past, but alas, I powered through, because I was now viewing this film as a comedy. Another thing that was absolutely hilarious was the sound editing. It's bad. Really bad. The killer's footsteps were over-dramatic, unnecessary stomping. I mean, really? Not to mention it was always in the killer's POV, like, we get it, the villain is walking towards the main character. No need to raise the volume to level ten for this. Also, any solitary movement the main character makes is very exaggerated. In another scene, the guy finds an area completely splattered in blood. Guess what? He continues to look around the house. In all of this mess, I will admit, there was something that was actually creepy in here. I don't know what it was. The shots of the bare tree limbs? The main character's expression while looking off into the distant woods? I don't know, but it still couldn't save this movie.This wasn't even a sixty minute movie, and they still managed to make it absolutely terrible. Horror is something that few are willing to put effort in, I guess. It's a shame, and I can't believe I took the time to write a review about this film, out of all the films.
Sokywocky While the official Friday the 13th movie set for release today was cancelled this is a worthy replacement.This is the best looking Friday the 13th fan film I've ever seen with some simply stunning outdoor cinematography and extremely well- made sets for a tiny budget fan film.Having the movie be about one person trying to survive against Jason gives the movie a different feel to the original movies. The one on one survival aspect is what makes the movie worth watching as it isn't just a cheaply made Friday the 13th rip-off like most other Friday fan films it's something entirely different; there's more suspense and a focus on survival instead of sex and partying, a welcome change.The special effects are great; there's a scene where Jason bleeds through the holes in his mask that made me jump forward in my seat, I can't believe they never did that in any of the 11 Friday movies with the mask.The few kills were fairly lacklustre, save for one kill that takes place in a dream, but this isn't a body count film and I didn't expect there to be any kills at all. The action is really focused on the fight scenes with Jason which were done better than most of the official movies.A few things that irked me: Jason's mask was totally white, no red triangles, but I assume this was done for legal reasons as I've seen the mask look different elsewhere before (eg. GTA 5 White hockey mask was updated to no longer look like Jason's mask). Jason's footsteps are very loud to the point where it gets annoying, plus a few other sound effects were pretty annoying; why would an axe make a *shiiinnng* sound when being pulled out of dirt?Overall a fantastic movie that I would rank higher than some of the official Friday the 13th movies, plus it has a wonderful surprise for Friday fans at the end of the movie that leaves the story open for a potential sequel. This film is a must-see for any Friday the 13th fan.

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