New Port South

4.8| 1h35m| en

A group of teenagers wish to rebel against the administrators and teachers (the system) in their suburban Chicago high school called New Port South


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MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
GazerRise Fantastic!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
biatchno2 I really enjoy teen rebellion movies and have studied quite a lot of them this year for my A-Level media studies class. Although this was not one of my syllabus movies i saw it on T.v one night and thought it was really cleverly made and hugely under-rated. I mean, yeah, there have been a lot of these genre of movies made but this is different and contains other art forms within the movie, I mean how creative were those posters? Well I have told a lot of people about it and they have said it is really good so maybe it is young person thing, as I would say this film is directed for a teenage audience, but I would also say that if you are very big into films then you would have the knowledge to say whether it has been made well or not. I have Lent the DVD to my media lecturer so when he tells me what he thinks I will comment again. Peace.
Robert I'm still trying to figure out if there was a point to this film.For content that's supposed to be so 'rebellious' and 'controversial' the things that Maddox distributes to the students are awfully lame. Students seem to be easily swayed by vague anti-authoritarian sentiments and snippets of words illegibly scrawled onto leaflets. Rebel, everybody.I suppose it would have been too much to ask to have a teenage rebellion film where a school fire alarm doesn't get set off.Apparently a 'huge fight up on the football fields' is a fight that consists of two people.Characters personalities seem to wildly vary at random. A football jock who Maddox was fighting (and who subsequently got a staple on the face) is all smiles and apologies the next day.The fact that it doesn't come to any real conclusion of the plot makes me feel that the whole thing could have been fitted into a half hour after school special. If they had cut most of the attempted pseudo-glitch soundtrack.
001001001 I liked this movie very much, I really wish there would be more films like this one...(!) The movie, which is about a couple of rebel high school students (and not bad ones, by the way..) that decide to complain against the school sistem, who honestly wasn't being fair at all..!!! , and do it very nicely! Personaly, I thought it was a very inspiring movie, and I realy admired those kids! ! I highly recommend you to see this film
rafterdog2 John Hughes can't seem to get out of the 'high school movie phase'. The man has made some great pieces, but it's time to move on. His newest release, New Port South, was by far his smallest. It tells the story of three high school rebels who lash out at the administration.Currently, I am a high school student. And I have seen students lash out against the teachers, the sports teams, whatever. But everything I have seen pales in comparison to what these three do. The posters, the demonstrations, the movies. It's all very intense, and honestly, I would be afraid to attend a high school that housed these types of teenagers.But if you're looking for a last minute weekend flick with a, well, interesting soundtrack, I would recommend New Port South, that is, if the New Release rack is empty.

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