Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Murphy Howard
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
K night
Spoilers lie herein...Wow.. a rather short film. Quite simply put, I did find it a strong message on how violence somehow needs to be justified by the psyche through re-creating the experience with a more palatable guise. In other words, even psychosis needs to find its own safe haven. People commit absolutely abominable acts, but this indeed stems from an impulse that, at some point, makes perfect sense to them. But sometimes even the rawness of the act per se is intolerable and needs to be masked as something else. In the case of this film (stop reading if you haven't seen it yet), he murdered his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. The acts were brutal, but his consciousness splintered (to a certain degree) in order to create a delusion that would not be as shocking to his fragile mind.. in the case of the sexual violence, it was justified by the overt sexual advances of Kim and her repeated beating of John; in this light, he had "permission" to hit back, thereby allowing justification of what ensued. People kill when their own survival is threatened... John saw his own definition of self in peril... that is, a relationship with a woman who satisfied his perverse whims (creating outlandish tales of past sexual experiences).. when she threatened to leave him, his life as he knew it was jeopardized, and he needed to kill off the double threat (Ingrid and Ake).. as it is, this perverse view of self is what kept his psychosis encapsulated and, when it was shattered, he lost it. I loved the concept of the film, it drew me in less than I had hoped. I enjoyed the performance of Kristoffer Joner very much, but felt that some of the others' came off as strained. Very enjoyable nonetheless.. I did feel a twinge of sympathy for John.. his life will be one of seclusion till the end of his days.
I know. It's me. It doesn't have anything to do with the movie which was very well acted and constructed. But I really do hate movies that try to depict the psychotic mind from within. How can I possibly relate to that? Together with the "they were actually dead" movies, it made no sense. Is it worth watching a movie that you understand nothing of just to get a one free out of jail card in the end and have the "ahhhaaa!" moment? Not to me.Bottom line: Horror fans should love parts of it, there is suspense, eroticism, violence, a bit of blood, clear tributes to other cult movies, but in the end, the story can be told in 5 minutes and be done with it. My advice: don't read any more comments on the film, someone will undoubtedly spoil for you. Either watch it or don't.
It's a Norwegian dark thriller about madness and dementia which enters in the world of delusion, self-destruction and denial of reality
The cinematography is quite good, providing us surreal ambiances and a great camera work. The plot is also very good because it's mysterious, dark and puzzling. However, I can't say it's too original, or that the ending was a big surprise
In fact the final disclosure was a bit predictable, because from the beginning those sisters seemed too creepy and surreal to truly exist
As we can confirm at the end, the "Next door" only exists in his disturbed mind
In any case it's a nice work into the noir genre and it really has some shocking and macabre scenes. They're not too bloody or gory, but they have impact on the psychological side
One of them is when the "younger sister" is on the couch trying to seduce him, and then, suddenly, starts beating him! And what a punch! Other scene is the very last one of the movie
It's really macabre! All in all I did appreciate this movie (the plot, the cinematography, the acting, the soundtrack, the surreal and disturbing ambiance
), I only felt a little pity for it didn't surprise me as much as I was expecting (but I had my expectation very high I must confess!).
Although its running time is of 75 minutes,Naboer has enough material to fascinate the spectator.This is one of that great movies that challenge our expectations and where anything can happen.Director and screenwriter Pal Sletaune tells the story in an unusual way,so the film is totally unpredictable.This film is short but it produces a big impact in the spectator.This film has some disgusting and disturbing scenes but they are not gratuitous.They have a porpoise in the story.Sletaune does not underrate the spectator,so he does not give easy answers at the end of the movie.He leaves the spectators the homework of taking out conclusions.Naboer is an excellent and intelligent psychological thriller.I recommend it with the warning that some people may be disturbed with some scenes.