Night of the Tentacles

4| 1h30m| en

This is the Night of the Tentacles! In this obscene Faustian tale a young artists sells his soul to Satan for the new heart he so desperately needs...



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BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Sorpse sometimes I watch a movie and feel bad for not liking it. It happened earlier this year with rob zombies lords of salem and now again with night of the tentacles. The reason I say I feel bad is because I know the filmmakers have potential and I wish them success but in these cases they in my opinion flop. This is the second movie I have seen by Dustin Mills Productions. Its a micro budget, campy, practical, gory, comedic labour of love. My kind of movie. I love the effort put into these types of movies and I find them to be very inspiring. That being said, night of the tentacles just didn't do it for me. The actual tentacles were a cheap cgi that made for very uninteresting kills and kind of make the story drag on, if im not getting good kills in a low budget movie then the characters and dialogue better make up for it. In this movie they almost do, The main character is really the only notable actor, he does a great job emulating an early Bruce Campbell or Jim carrey type of over acting rub face. Hes great and id give him a role in my movie any day. Everyone else unfortunately is a throw away. The dialogue is all pretty much forgettable except for his neighbors dirty sex talk which add the only real laughs in what should be a balls to the wall cheese fest. What should have been an entertaining sleeze fest turned out to be more of a boring chore to watch unlike dustin mills "Zombie a-hole" which was flawed yet still much better than "tentacles". I still feel dustin mills has a few aces up his sleave and I look forward to watching "bath salt zombies" but for now I would recommend watching "Mold! the movie", "Father's Day (troma)", or "Cadaver Christmas" for your fill of low budget indie goodness!
jeremy-funk The Dustin Mills machine is at it again. His first feature, Puppet Monster Massacre, is an exercise in sock puppet hilarity. Night of the Tentacles ups the ante another notch, introducing us to real actors, on real sets, with very little green screen action. The whole show takes place in one apartment, with a few exterior shots that look like Akron, Ohio. I met Dustin and his wife at the HorrorHound weekend in Columbus, and they are great people. What goes on the screen however…Brandon Salkil delivers an outstanding performance as Dave; he alternates between a haunted James Woods and Bruce Campbell's Ash. Tentacles fly, Satan raps. Demon delivery boys ask to fart on Dave while masturbating. Mills cameos as a PBR swilling maintenance man intent on "screwing everything". Jackie McKown as Delilah delivers a 5 minute whiz only to be tentacle-impaled at the end of it. Throw in copious amounts of semen, more masturbation (the only IMDb keyword is "masturbation"), and a monster-in-a-box that sounds like Elmer from Brain Damage. There you go, an homage best categorized as Slime City meets Basket Case with a dollop of Brain Damage thrown in. By no means is this a copy of those films, but a well-constructed, well-lit, well-composed low budget film intent on entertaining.And entertain it does!Some nudity, and a ton of… masturbating. In retrospect, this movie had a lot of self-flagellation going on. Four gallons of blood, mostly CGI, a rapping Satan (brilliant), and a Reservior Dogs suited demon named Belial who delivers lines like "Are you sure you don't want to masturbate? I can break wind on you while you do it. It's fun." Mills, you're nuts, and I love it.Synopsis: Night of the Tentacles is a great companion piece to Brain Damage. Roll in some Frankenhooker, a six-pack of PBR, and your favorite deranged-flick watching buddy and it'll be a great night. Enjoy.
steviehyper I put this on with very little expectations, the story sounded potentially entertaining but I've seen these sort of films go horribly wrong and I did almost switch it off after 5 mins. But then I was glad I left it on because I rather enjoyed it, I also recommended it to a like minded friend who also enjoyed it. Yeah it looks like it cost £50 to make and the monster a little rubbish, and yeah no Oscar winning performances (tho I felt the acting suited the film) or groundbreaking originality but I felt it worked for me and did make me laugh. The camera work wasn't the worst I've seen either for a low budget film. If you like your indie horror films like me I'd give this a go. I'd score it 6.5 but gave it a 9 to deservedly bump it up a little.
dadatuuexx I gave this "movie" a 1 ,because there was no -0 !. I have sat thru some turds,but this cheese-ball no-pus was RANCID !. So bad in fact,that i graded papers while it ran.Now,don't get me wrong,i do like some bad films,but this one was bad on too many levels.Bad story,bad acting ,REAL bad looking people,and even worse "fx" . The "monster" looked like a toaster/breadbox thing,covered in that sand foam stuff you see on t.v. ads for kids.It looked like maybe some 2 nd graders whipped it up for a class project,while at recess ! I waited for something cool,or some action , to happen.The most horrifying thing to happen was when they showed the lead "actor"s dog taking a dump,and i would imagine it came out better than this turd.Should have been called "Night of the Testicles" ,cause it took some balls to release this fart-blower!.

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