Night Shadow

3.8| 1h35m| en

Alex, an up-and-coming TV journalist, returns to her hometown of Danford as local police attempt to cope with a series of brutal murders. The small town plunges into a state of panic and the murders--clearly the work of a monster, more beast than man--continue... until Alex comes face to face with the evil itself.


Producted By

Cohlan / Temple Productions


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Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Wuchak RELEASED IN 1989 and written/directed by Randolph Cohlan, "Night Shadow" (originally titled "Lycanthrope") concerns a humble Los Angeles newscaster (Brenda Vance) who returns to her home town on vacation as several people crop up dead, as if by a vicious animal. Alta LaFlame plays the sheriff, Rick Scott a mysterious hitchhiker, Stuart Quan the protagonist's kung fuey brother and Kato Kaelin his friend.This is akin to a modern Syfy creature feature, but with a production quality a notch below that prosaic level. The serviceable score, for instance, sounds like it was performed entirely on a Casio keyboard (and no doubt it was). There's also too much marking time. Still, the cast is likable, the small town setting is quaint and the monster is pretty effective for a man in a suit, but you have to wait till the final act to see him.Vance is a more-than-agreeable protagonist, but the film drops the ball in the female department, as far as taking advantage of the resources (and I'm not tawkin' 'bout nudity or sleaze). But there's a lot of martial arts action due to the presence of Quan; and the late 80's ambiance is to die for (take, for instance, Quan's absurd bra-like billie shirt and Kato's hideous mullet).THE FILM RUNS 91 minutes and was shot in Hanford & Fresno in the heart of California.GRADE: C
Michael O'Keefe Alex Jung(Brenda Vance)is a promising and attractive young TV journalist on her move up. But Alex needs a break; a short vacation back to her hometown. She isn't in town 24 hours before her boss wants her to cover the grisly story of multiple mutilation murders there in her usually quiet little community. The townspeople are plunged into panic when news leaks that the murders may be the work of a savage beast instead of a mortal man. Alex and her karate-stud brother Tai(Dane Chan)team with the town sheriff(Tom Boylan),under pressure, to find the bloodthirsty murderer. Definitely low-budget; but no major scenes of the killer or his deeds. Also in the cast: Rick Scott, Jeanette Lewis, Orien Richman, Alta LaFlame, Aldo Ray and Kato Kaelin(yes...that Kato Kaelin).
gavin6942 Up-and-coming TV journalist Alex Jung (Brenda Vance) returns to her home town of Danford (the film was shot in Hanford) as local police attempt to cope with a series of brutal murders. The small town plunges into a state of panic and the murders continue... until Alex comes face to face with the evil itself.Some of the hair and clothes are so late 1980s, early 1990s that it is hilarious. The Asian guy has a cut off shirt that looks more like a women's sports bra. And, of course, he knows martial arts...The blood and gore effects are surprisingly not terrible, and they invested in some live maggots, which I appreciate. I am not going to say this is on the level of, say, Rob Bottin... but it is respectable.Kato Kaelin, made notorious from the OJ Simpson trial, appears here in all his mullet glory! And Aldo Ray as inventor Gene Krebelski is like a next generation "Gremlins" dad.The music has Richard Band written all over it, but this is not a Full Moon picture and it is Ken Carlton behind the score. George Temple produced and edited, as well as acted as story consultant.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*Terrible. Awful. Retching. Nightmarish. Worst movie ever. I mean ever. I have seen some painful films in my day but this is the king. It still hasn't been dethroned.The video box had a huge werewolf on the cover. Naturally, I couldn't resist. After my brain aneurysm, I returned it and the video store went out of business the next week. I think the store must have been a mirage just to get some sucker to rent this god awful film.Supposedly there is a werewolf attacking a town. I don't remember seeing one till the very end. Do silver bullets kill the beast? *SPOILER ON ENDING COMING* No! In the final insult, they run over the flea bitten wolf with their car! Must have had silver hubcaps.