
1981 "The Dream You Can't Escape ALIVE!"
5.6| 1h39m| R| en

A drug-treated schizophrenic plagued by horrible nightmares is released from the hospital and goes on a killing spree.



Producted By

Goldmine Productions


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Ehirerapp Waste of time
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Prismark10 When I was a kid our friends would be raving about the latest Bond film or Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Back to the Future or Indiana Jones. However there was always one lad raving about the video nasty he just watched and go into detail the gruesome scenes in the film.Nightmare from 1981 would be that type of film. It has some nasty murder scenes of several women getting their throats cut or heads decapitated.This is a low budget horror film featuring George who as a child saw his father having S&M sex with a prostitute and killed them both. Now as an adult he is supposedly cured after taking a new experimental drugs. However George has disappeared somewhere along the Florida coast but not before he visits the then seedy Times Square of New York and goes to some sex shows. Of course his psychotic, murdering urges get the better off him.There is another storyline of a family with a small child who plays pranks on his family. Eventually you know George and this family will collide especially at the end scenes where we have a clearer picture of what George did as a child and why he might had been stalking this family.It is an ultra low budget, seedy film but also dull. The prankster kid is the best thing in it and it's no surprise that he still works in the film industry. A lot of it is just boring with the older George in white underpants distressed and having bouts of screaming. In fact there are a lot of guys in white underpants in this film, you actually think if some of the actors just walked off from some porn set.The film has elements of Taxi Driver, The Shining and the fairy tale of The boy who cried wolf but with some bad acting. Apart from the gore and its reputation as a video nasty there is very little that is good about the film. Although I liked his doctors using early 1980s computers trying to track him down. Of course the young lad we knew back in the day will regard this as a classic but compare this to John Carpenter's Halloween and it is a no contest.
George Clarke Nightmare may not be on anyone's list as 'one-to-watch' with the abundance of new Hollywood horrors that swamp our DVD shelves and VOD highlights, most of which are barely worth the rental, but for any fan of horror, more so that of real horror from the 80's when it was about being real, then Nightmare surely still holds up as one of the most gruesome pictures of its day, and still is!Slightly dated, but only in looks and acting, the tension and thrills behind Nightmare still stands strong complete with some infamous and disturbing FX scenes that hailed it as a video nasty back in the day, leading to its cuts by the BBFC and lack of distribution.I'm surprised a remake hasn't already surfaced, but then again, possibly glad at the same time!Nightmare is twisted, but with a good dose of realism to it based on certain links in the story, characters and outcome.Well worth the watch, but most definitely not for the squeamish!
Rich Wright Once again, in a slasher movie, the people behave like nobody else would in that situation, unless they knew they were in a movie and they knew it was their job to act dumber than roadkill. Check this lot out:1. Would you REALLY leave an adult patient who, as a child, hacked up his father and the woman he was having an affair with using an axe, alone as soon as he was released... regardless of what 'experimental drug' he was on?! 2. If you received a phone call which told you your kid had been stabbed by a mysterious stranger and was bleeding to death, wouldn't it be wise to inform the caller to contact the hospital FIRST, rather than wait till you got off a private boat with your beau, got dressed and rushed home in your car?3. Your nine year old son is suspected of the murder of his best friend and a teenage girl. I would suggest that a) You as his mother would not be able to go out the following evening and have a great time at a party and b) The chances of finding a babysitter for this potentially psychotic tyke would be slim to none.4. ALWAYS aim for the head with a gun. Bullets to the chest don't work... they only slow down your pursuer. When will they learn?!Yep, this is a disjointed effort indeed, with a meandering story full of weird goings-on. The best entertainment value can be found in unintentional laughs, like the bubble bath foam that emits from the mental guy's mouth whenever he has a 'fit', or the horrendous acting you can find in most scenes.If you can hold on though, it delivers the goods in the final reel, with decapitations and bloody stabbings aplenty. It's just that the rest, well... it's a bit crap, isn't it? 4/10
tomgillespie2002 Better known in the UK as Nightmares In A Damaged Brain, this is one of the more interesting films placed on the video nasty list. Suffering from night terrors, George (Baird Stafford) is released from a mental hospital earlier than was recommended after judging that he is sane enough to separate the real world from his incidents in his nightmares. After realising their error, a doctor, psychologist and the police try to hunt him down before he is tipped over the edge. George wanders the streets looking at strippers before he begins his search for a seemingly random family who have their own troubles with their strange, mischievous son C.J. (C.J. Cooke),The problem with the film, or should I say main problem, is that it never seems to decide what kind of film it wants to be. What starts out promisingly as a kind of Grindhouse Taxi Driver, soon switches to family drama, to police chase, to all-out stalk-and-slash. The moments when the action focuses on the family, which is the majority of the time, it loses pace and I lost sense of the main characters personal plight. George makes for an interesting 'bad' guy as he is psychologically torn and disturbed by the nightmares of a little boy butchering a man and a woman with an axe. The end, which I obviously won't reveal too much about, begins as a Halloween-esque set-piece complete with a funny mask which is rather silly and run-of-the-mill, but then suddenly engages again, as a key factor about our protagonist is revealed. Yet the director ruins it all with a rather cringe-worthy last frame, with which I shook my head in bitter