Nikto, Krome Nas...

5.9| 1h50m| en

Фильм снят по повести Сергея Говорухина "Никто, кроме нас". Эта картина не столько о самой войне, сколько о взаимоотношениях кинооператора Евгения Левашова и Наташи - женщины, которую он искал всю жизнь, и нашел за несколько недель до своей очередной командировки на войну. И хотя он может отказаться от этой поездки, он этого не делает - потому что любовь и нравственный выбор неразрывно связаны между собой…


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GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
andreygrachev Today in the times of new wave of wars all around the world this anti-war and touching drama comes up to date. The main heroes are just met soldier Levashov and an ordinary girl Natasha. Both lost their way in the modern life and its cruel senseless laws. They met in the tram and loved each other. Both are traumatized by the modern world, that is over personalities and feelings. Finally Levashov goes back to war to make a documentary about true story of many dead young friends, who saw no life at all-just Afganistan mountains, machine guns, grenades etc.. In my opinion this outstanding film can help to understand those people who are defending Russia by means of their life.I pay my admiration and respect to the authors. Thank youGreat effort, music and unusual ending.

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