Ninja vs. Ninja

3.5| 0h30m| en

Wicked ninja drug lords do their darnedest to prevent a scientist from making public his newly developed cure for heroin addiction.


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Ocean Shores International Limited


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Also starring Pedro Ernyes


SunnyHello Nice effects though.
YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Leofwine_draca NINJA VS. NINJA is another Godfrey Ho-style cut and paste ninja movie of the 1980s which seems to have been put together from two or three different films. You get a handful of scenes with a black kid training in the woods to be a ninja and some brief ninja action but the bulk of the production is a Hong Kong crime film which has been dubbed and re-edited until it becomes nonsensical. Shaw Brothers star Norman Chu appears in these scenes and it's a pity to see him utilised in his way. NINJA VS. NINJA is a far cry too from the cheesy delights of Ho giddiness such as SCORPION THUNDERBOLT and NINJA TERMINATOR.
miunkown Although i'd almost sit through anything to get some action from a movie especially ninja action this movie was fairly painful, it leaves you guessing, really wondering what the hell is going on, how does this make sense. There's a real struggle to get this movie and what the point of it really is, but it isn't all to bad some interesting fight scenes that somehow may appeal to some people out there ninja fan or notNot the greatest of movie plots, story lines, scripts but hey if your a ninja fan you'd probably sit through the whole movie 'probably'. I give it a 3/10
HaemovoreRex Sometimes rarely, a film is released unto the public that so shines in quality as to dazzle its audience and silence even the most ardent of critics. In short, these films are almost universally adored and as a result such films (and they are indeed a rare phenomena) win themselves the much coveted title of a 'classic'. In such instances a perfect equilibrium exists between such factors as production values, acting performances, photography, direction etc which all combine to create a cinematic and artistic masterpiece. Conversely, the status of all 'non classic' films therefore could be attributed to those movies in which the various aforementioned cinematic factors are at in imbalance to varying degrees – a factor which serves to destabilise the films overall integrity. Obviously although tastes vary widely, it would be equitable to say that the vast majority of films belong in the latter category.There is however a third category of film, a category equally as rare as the first in fact and this may be defined as those rather unfortunate films that actually have no cinematic merits whatsoever! These unfortunate entities fail utterly miserably in virtually every single department. Indeed the acting, production, directing etc in these films are so completely and entirely inept as to render them virtually unwatchable to the vast majority of the (sane) movie watching public.However and as illogical as it may sound, sometimes the very fact that a movie can be SO bad and SO inept actually, bizarrely serves to its advantage… is then that the curious phenomena of the 'so bad its good' movie is born!Ninja vs Ninja undoubtedly falls into this category!Here my friends we have a film that is so god awful in every single way that you can't but help to admire it!From the very opening with our ninja hero (who only appears in about three scenes in the entire movie!) who is shown training (and running in an extremely sissy manner!) to some super cool and groovy (and entirely inappropriate!) seventies music, to the completely non related and frankly baffling crime film plot (in reality a completely different film into which the ninja segments are edited) – this film really is an hilarious (unintentional) laugh fest!To be quite honest, even though I've only just finished watching it, I still have no idea what the hell was going on in this for the most part! The plot really meanders all over the place and makes virtually no sense whatsoever! (a factor which only adds to the charm!)From what I could gather, some evil ninja want a tape from a man charmingly referred to as Fatso. The CIA are also after this tape. And why are they all after the tape? Just what intrinsic information does it store? Well to be quite honest – I haven't got a bloody clue! Nor did I understand who the hero ninja was and what his interest in the tapes recovery was (if he indeed was interested in it at all!) In fact virtually nothing is explained in the film but frankly who cares…. if you're at all into Z-grade movies, then this really is essential viewing! A true demented classic!
John Seal Compiled from footage shot for at least two and possibly three motion pictures, Ninja Vs. Ninja is a logic free melange of martial arts and cops n robbers footage. The film starts with sped up footage of an African-American (?) ninja going through the motions as bland disco music plays in the background. He then turns into a white ninja who faces off with an evil black ninja (who's actually a white guy). Cut to some other white guys chatting about some nefarious plot. Then cut to your standard issue HK actors in a crime film about a missing tape. The white and black ninja drop in and out of the other film--their footage is badly matched, needless to say--until the film's abrupt and extremely disappointing conclusion. Ninja Vs. Ninja was released on video by Ocean Shores Video, who kindly supplied the synopsis for yet another completely unrelated film on the clamshell box. Only for hardcore connoisseurs of extremely inept cinema.

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