No Blood No Tears

2002 "Enough is enough."
6.1| 1h56m| en

Gyung-sun is a washed-up cab driver who has been trying to go straight after years in trouble with the law after being a big-time safecracker. Soo-jin wants to be a famous singer, but lives the life of a trophy girlfriend to her vicious gangster boyfriend. An unlikely situation cause these two different women to meet where they plan a daring solution to both their problems that will escalate and threaten the wrath of many powerful and corrupt people around them.


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Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
talisencrw 'No Blood No Tears' is the only film I've seen so far of Ryoo's (and I had never heard of it; I simply found it for $3 at a department store that was going out of business, thought it looked interesting and decided to take a chance on it). It was a very satisfying blind-buy, a contemporary and Asian spin on the 'Thelma and Louise' motif. The action and comedic touches are surefire, and the irony of who ends up with the loot was compelling. The friendship mix of the two women (older night owl taxi driver who's deadbeat ex-husband owes everybody money and makes her life miserable, and who desperately wants to find her daughter, with the young girlfriend of a ex-boxer hood who likes to beat her to a pulp) who desperately need each other is well-written and portrayed, and there is truly something for everybody in this successful entry in the legion of Quentin Tarantino/Guy Ritchie-inspired films of the past generation...
Phillip Potter This film does actually have a slice of pretty much all action staples. The problem is that none of them are done well at all. There's no originality or freshness or even energy to many of the things that happen in this film. The car chase for instance has un-fancy, domestic cars (No problem with that) driving at a furious 50 MPH or so (There's our first problem) on a deserted, spacious dock (another problem, where's the sense of danger?), where they drive through barrels of water (Oh, thrilling!).Get this, our main protagonists are...women! No one's ever done that before, or at least this film seems to think so as it provides us no other reason for the audience to care about them. The model's boyfriend hit her (awww) and the taxi driver's sick of her job (awww), but together, for no real reason they're gonna steal some money and live life to the fullest. Hell yeah.NBNT even features your favourite been there, done that talking points of recent years: Briefcase you never see inside of, Car crash out of nowhere~! Dog fighting (bound to be controversial and get your movie some attention), A man who says nothing but kicks ass, A gang of goofy friends with big dreams who directly reference other movies, Flashy editing.This might sounds like it all adds up to a good film, but every aspect is executed horribly to the point where it's hard to care about anything. This could even be forgivable if there was even one likable line or scene or stunt or fight or shot in the entire 114 minutes, but there isn't. At all. The world would be a better place if half-hearted efforts like this never saw a release.
vvanpo What this film does have a lot of: blood, cigarette smoke (*cough*), profanity (if you want to learn Korean swear words this is your flick) and double-crossings. All for a bag full of Won.I prefer to see my fight scenes as if I'm watching a ballet. I want to be able to see the whole stage. "Pido" films its fight scenes as if the viewer was a referee in a boxing match. This frustrated me. Both sexes get equal opportunity pummeling.
Don Guan yeah, that's one of the best movies i've recently seen here, in Korea. And this film defines that the director took the right direction after his pretty much unimpressive "Die Bad" which was memorable only with its last scene.Soundtrack appears in the right time, in the right scene.Again, Good! good, good movie.. did I say it was a good movie?