No Buddy Atoll

5.7| 0h5m| en

Private Snafu is stranded on a tiny island with a Japanese officer; he must depend on his wits to defend himself against his sword-wielding foe.


Mel Blanc


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Warner Bros. Pictures


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Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . of the 28 surviving "Private Snafu" World War Two American tax payer-funded U.S. Army propaganda animated shorts series, 25 of which (including ATOLL) were produced by Warner Bros.' crack team of Looney Tuners. From the opening title, NO BUDDY ATOLL cements the fact into American minds that the Japanese People will always be "no buddies" of ours. NO BUDDY's vision, of course, has proved to be 100% prophetic, as the diluted weak generations of Americans following our WWII-winning Greatest Generation have rebelled against Common Sense, allowing the insidious Southwest Asian Islanders to Destroy such Core American Institutions as the U.S. Automobile Industry, American Labor Unions, the U.S. Middle Class, and Major League Baseball (may poor George Sisler Rest in Peace). These Defeats, in turn, have led to the destruction of the U.S. Political Party that Saved Humanity & Civilization by Masterminding our WWII Triumph, as EVERY American President since then has been either a Rich People Party Stooge or a Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dumb RPP clone Southern Cracker masquerading as a Blue Collar Union Pal, with the exception of WWII War Hero John Kennedy (gunned down by Ted Cruz' Daddy). You'll cheer when Pvt. Snafu nukes Japan (represented by a marooned Rising Sun General) and its Culture to close NO BUDDY ATOLL.
TheLittleSongbird No Buddy Atoll to me is not quite among the best Private Snafu cartoons like Spies and Booby Traps are, not quite as funny as them and not as daring as a lot of the other cartoons in the series. The cartoon also for my tastes takes a little too long to set up. It is still very interesting however mainly to see a surprisingly mature Snafu and a Looney Tunes-like(the Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam comparison is apt) rapport between him and the Japanese general. It's also still very entertaining, the gags and dialogue still amuse and the chemistry between Snafu and the general is what holds the cartoon together and it's wonderfully witty. Snafu is very funny and endearing if different to how he's usually portrayed, and while the Japanese general is rather stereotypical(not offensively though) it was interesting and amusing to see a character for a change more inept than Snafu. The animation is crisp and smooth, the music rouses the spirits and adds a lot of character to the cartoon- it is Carl Stalling after all- and the story while not the most exceptional of stories moves at a sprightly pace. Mel Blanc does a stellar job with the voices of both Snafu and the general. In conclusion, not one of the best Private Snafu cartoons but still good fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Robert Reynolds This is one of a series of training shorts for the US Army featuring the worst soldier in the US Army, one Private Snafu. There will be spoilers ahead:Private Snafu is floating along in the Pacific, with no explanation whatsoever how he got there. We also see a Japanese officer floating on the water. They simultaneously spot an atoll and make for it from opposite sides. Both being rather dim bulbs, they make a great deal of noise, yet it takes them both entirely too long to realize they aren't alone.It then takes too long for them to spot each other, but when they finally do, the Japanese officer comes at Snafu with a samurai sword while Snafu has the oddest Swiss Army knife ever. Because this is a Snafu short and Snafu has the brain God gave moldy cheese, you figure, "Well, that's it for Snafu" when suddenly Snafu flattens the officer with, of all things, an umbrella! Snafu does this twice and then finishes him off, scoring just about the only victory he'll see in his pathetic life. The end is a bit ruthless, but it's a training film being shown to soldiers, so it's appropriate.This short is available on various DVDs and online and is well worth seeing. Recommended.
MartinHafer The Private Snafu films were clearly made to be seen by soldiers and not by the general public. The dirty jokes, sexual innuendos and language is relatively tame today but never would have been allowed in the regular theaters due to the Production Code. But, such off-color remarks went over very well with the enlisted men and helped to illustrate important information in a humorous and memorable fashion.This Snafu film is quite different from the rest in style and characterization. Here, Snafu is NOT an idiot and it consists of a more mature Snafu landing on a lonely island in the Pacific. At the same time, a very stereotypical Japanese officer arrives and they fight it out almost like Bugs and Yosimite Sam having a scrap. Very enjoyable but more like a mass-consumption cartoon and with a little less of an edge than usual--though the end is rather dark in spirit. Still, it's quite enjoyable and worth finding.