if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Sameer Callahan
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Francene Odetta
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
This film shows a different side of Audie Murphy's acting talent. Instead of the easy-going style that was evident in most of his films, here he is really rather psychopathic.And he does it well.The story is that he is a professional gun-man, who has come to town presumably to kill.....someone. But who? His presence creates chaos for the town, as all of the people who have every done anyone any harm are convinced he is after them. A fascinating, and substantive plot---much more than what one usually sees in what is essentially a B-western (the film is only about 90 minutes, clearly intended for a double feature).It is well acted up and down the line, with a large number of 1950s western character actors in supporting roles.Anybody who is a westerns fan will enjoy it. And anybody who is an Audie Murphy fan (and everybody should be!) will enjoy it.
"Part of Murphy's appeal to many people was that he didn't fit the "image" most had of a war hero. He was a slight, almost fragile-looking, shy and soft-spoken young man".(IMDb biography)It works wonders on "no name on the bullet" in which Murphy "underplays" and succeeds in being threatening ,disturbing,without the usual tricks.Anyway "no name on the bullet" is an offbeat western ,looking sometimes more like a thriller with a dash of Agatha Christie thrown in:we know "who'll do it" but we do not know who will be slain .And many people in town have an uneasy conscience .The killer tells the doctor his victims have all done something wrong (like in "ten little Indians";people who have read that book will realize that the ending -when you learn who the victim was- has something of Christie's detective story).Suspenseful from start to finish ,the "hero" epitomizing "immanent justice ,in an almost abstract way,which the last pictures (which break with old Hollywood traditions)reinforce ..At a running time of about 75 min it's another Arnold's tour De force ,almost in the same league as his classic "the incredible shrinking man".
John Gant is a hired assassin, whenever he rides into a town the whole townsfolk wonder who it is who is on his list. John Gant is a very shrewed assassin for he never gets arrested because he never draws first, he psychologically gets under his targets skins forcing them to shoot first, and John Gant always has witnesses. Today, John Gant has rode into Lordsburg, and from today things will never be the same again...In CinemaScope and Eastman ColorDirected by Jack Arnold, we open with a vision of sprawling hills and a vast landscape (DOP: Harold Lipstein), a man handsomely attired in pristine black clothing trots past on his shiny black horse, he gathers pace and gallops off over the hills, we next see him trotting into Lordsburg, elegance and grace oozing from his pores. This is John Gant, also known as Audie Murphy, and for me we are introduced to one of the greatest Western characters outside of the critics favoured lists of usual suspects.Audie Murphy had his critics, he himself hardly went out of his way to embrace stardom and pander to the ink scribblers, but here as Gant is a performance of icy cold wonderment that in my opinion proves any doubters wrong. Gant rides into Lordsburg and his mere presence sends the town into panic, friends and associates implode with suspicion whilst Gant just calmly floats amongst them with little leers and low speaking pearls of wisdom. As Gant forms a weird sort of friendship with Charles Drake's Dr. Luke Canfield, the picture gains some much needed heart, and once the finale arrives it helps to close the picture on a hugely rewarding note.The film reminded me very much of a Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street, it's a great story to work from {courtesy of Howard Amacker}, because it's morally suspicious and it has characters always on the brink of breaking the law through the sheer worry of their sins and dubious intentions coming back to get them. My only real complaints are that the film is far to short, not sure if it was down to budget or acting restrictions? But clocking in at just 77 minutes I personally feel that another 15 minutes was a must to fully flesh out the finale, and sadly the exterior filming of the gorgeous locale is sparse, which is most galling after the attention grabbing opening shots. However, the film still works a treat and comes highly recommended to even those who don't like Westerns. 8/10
No Name On The Bullet is a very good psychological western.It stars Audie Murphy in one of his many westerns,here he plays a hired assassin by the name of John Gant,who has been payed to go into a town and kill somebody,but who has he come for?this is the question all the local towns folk are asking and so do you the viewer. Naturally all the locals are on edge and are paranoid as they all have their secrets and they all have their enemies,before long they all start turning against each other and making accusations. The biggest problem is that although Gant is a known hired killer he always gets his victims to draw first so that it looks as if he has killed in self defence,therefor he can not be arrested,he is cold and calculating and has all his plans worked out.So how can he be stopped?The real intended victim comes to light towards the last fifteen minutes of the film but you may have already guessed before then.The tension in this film is almost claustrophobic as you feel the over bearing pressure on the towns people.Its brilliantly directed and although Murphys performance is good the supporting cast is excellent. No Name On The Bullet is a good tense thriller,which instead of being a Whodunnit is more of an Whos gone a get it?