It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
I like independent movies. I like to see the work of many talented people resulting in a work of art. This piece is one of those. The acting, sound, post, cinematography, story, the entire piece was really good, it is totally worth watching. However, this piece of art tried too hard to suck the audience into its psyche by elongating the scenes to the point of exhaustion. I wonder how many "beats" were in the script. I actually got so bored with the pace of the movie that I decided to get out the ironing board to do something productive with my time while the movie slowly unfolded. So ladies and gents, make sure you bring something to keep you entertained during the unnecessarily long scenes. Chop 15 minutes off the top and you got yourselves a real winner. Still a good little indie.
For me, this was the best Australian film since "Lantana" ... no, I'll revise that and say it's better than "Lantana". The script was brilliantly written, with believable dialogue and characterization, and yet with an eerie, unsettling tension and mystery about it. The acting was very good all round, and in the case of Brendan Cowell, superb. I loved the music score and the moody photography. One of the most outstanding features of this most unusual film was the outstanding sound design. The scene where Brendan Cowell's character tries to drown out the ringing in his ears by making a variety of loud noises is uniquely effective in it's use of sound as an element of a film. You never quite know where this film is going, but when you get there, it's devastating. This film does on a minuscule budget what many big-budget Hollywood blockbusters could never do ... it touches your heart and it makes you use your brain.
I went to the screening not knowing what I was going to see. I thought Noise was very well done and I enjoyed it, as I haven't seen another film like it. I walked out of the movie thinking how lucky I am not to have any problems like that and amazed at people that do have that problem that they can have normal lives.The movie was a little slow to start with but as the story revealed itself it became a must see what happens one. I especially loved the swearing because that made the characters even more real as that is how most Aussies talk in everyday life. Well the down to earth ones.I would recommend every one see this movie as it had the Aussie humor down to a tee - Job well done to all the actors and the director.I look forward to seeing more movies like this made.
I was taken by surprise by how good this film was.Everyone's performance fit perfectly within the world of the film. Naturalistic, but totally involving. Brendan Cowell was beautifully sympathetic in the lead role.The director (Matthew Saville) should be commended for being able to achieve what he has for his first feature. It's a rare thing to see an Australian film so in control of what it's doing. And so moving by it's finish.I look forward to seeing it again.9 out of Ten.