
2014 "The hijacking was just the beginning."
6.9| 1h47m| PG-13| en

Bill Marks is a Federal Air Marshall for whom every day is the same until this one. On this plane ride, he starts receiving text messages from someone claiming to be on the flight and threatening to kill passengers. In a race against the clock, he must identify and stop the killer to save everyone on board.


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CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
mariondowning-427-469344 I really enjoyed this movie. The acting was really good, the suspense was fine with me. It wasn't the best movie in the world, but from the negative reviews you can see many bigots watched and took offence at a Muslim not being the bad guy. An American was the bad guy, and they couldn't handle that. That makes this movie anti-American apparently. Whereas, when people from other countries are bad guys in other movies, it isn't considered anti- those countries by blind bigots. If a Muslim is the bad guy it's just normal and natural apparently (even though most of the crimes committed in America are done so by Americans). In y country when someone is the same background as me and committing a terrorist offence, I don't take it personally but you can see here that other people do.
grahamvandyke "Pure non-stop action" is what seems to be the main motif to Liam Neeson's movies now. This was certainly marketed and perceived by most people as such. I beg to differ with this one.The acting is above-par with what you would see in the average popcorn action flick. The title itself certainly indicates that this is an action movie that never stop moving, which is true, but it has less to do with non-stop action. This movie is all about mystery. It is a cleverer movie than Taken, albeit Neeson plays a very similar role. However the suspense and questioning of all the passengers on board makes this movie more akin to Flightplan. It is the basis of being trapped with no means out and being the only person onboard who is convinced of what is truly happening. The action in the movie is certainly worth the watch, having close quarters fighting that makes for very interesting fighting styles in the enclosed spaces. Neeson also appears larger than ever with his 6'4" frame towering over everyone on the plane. A very solid movie with great twists and turns that is slightly better than the Neeson flicks he's been typecast in since Batman Begins & Taken.
andrew_james10 Nothing on TV so had a look at my Amazon Prime Video and thought I'd spend an hour or so of escapism to kill time. But wow this is a very tense and exciting movie with the usual Neeson but the plot line and direction are superb. Twists and turns all over the place. A real whodunnit for over an hour. Would have been a ten but for the ending which was slightly rushed compared with the rest of the film.
John Maverick 'Non-Stop' is yet another action vehicle for Liam Neeson and director Jaume Collet-Serra, having previously worked together in 'Unknown'. Entertaining and thrilling, but this flight is a long one.1. For the most part, the movie has a mysterious and intriguing setup. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sucked in at the beginning. The plot involves former cop and now 'Federal Air-Marshall' Bill Marks (Liam Neeson) as he reluctantly performs his duty overseeing a red-eye flight from New York to London. He soon begins to receive random and threatening text messages from a mysterious terrorist who just may be one of the passengers on board. I honestly thought the plot might have been straight forward, but it ends up being more intricate and I was pleasantly surprised.2. As interesting of a mystery this film is, it turns into more of a thriller not long after. When the unknown figure lives up to his threats, the tension begins to build as Liam Neeson races against the clock to find the killer. However, all good things must come to an end. For a movie that has a great beginning and middle, the twist that is revealed in the last third is heavily underwhelming. The film plays to it's advantage as a suspenseful thriller, but looses all momentum when it delves into the generic action realm at the end. It feels like studio interference to the original script.3. If there is one saving grace, it is Liam Neeson himself. For an actor who has jumped into action films in recent years, Neeson is still a theatrically trained actor and he delvers an exceptional performance no matter what he stars in. Julianne Moore, Corey Stoll and Michelle Dokery round out the cast. Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o also appears, but she is completely misused in her role. This film was on the brink of being something more than what it was, but it all comes down to wasted potential. I personally enjoy thrillers, but I was disappointed to say the least.Even though the movie lost a lot of points for the climax, It was still an entertaining flick. If you're a fan of Liam Neeson, then no matter the flaws, this would still be on your watch-list.